The article presents a book review for "The Fender Stratocaster Handbook: How To Buy, Maintain, Set Up, Troubleshoot, and Modify Your Strat," by Paul Belmer.ShoafBrownUniv.EricBrownUniv.C.BrownUniv.Library Journal
and I generally find that guitars ring clearer and sustain for longer when there is some tension on the truss rod. Vintage-style Fender necks present the most problems because the strings generally need to be slackened off and the neck partially lifted out of its pocket in order to adjust th...
Fender Telecaster and Stratocaster truss rods are often only accessible at the bottom of your guitar neck. These truss rods can’t be adjusted while the neck is still bolted to the guitar because the screw head or allen head is partially hidden by the body. In order to adjust your Fender ...
Stratocasters explained: from pickups to bodies, necks to hardware, this is what you need to consider when buying a Fender Strat
place. I have written an entire article about how to wire, solder, and install pickups on a Fender Stratocaster. Please visit my Fender Stratocaster pickup installation article for more details. Also, you might want to check out my article on how to properly solder electric guitar electronics....
adjustable string-length mechanisms found at thebridge. The bridge saddles over which each string passes can usually be moved forward and backward; that is, closer to and farther from thenut(thesaddlescan also be moved up and down in order to adjust string height, often referred to as action...
On the inside, clean up the edges with, but don’t go too crazy—when the guitar is complete, nobody will see inside. Trevor Raab Trevor Raab Advertisement - Continue Reading Below To route out the area between the bridge and tail of the guitar, drop the c...
「他的概念是,如果你要買一把 Fender Stratocaster,你會先決定買甚麼顏色,於是他最初的意念便是要推出幾種不同顏色。有見及此,吉他最後共有紅、黑兩色,並如實物一樣設有可摺式的吉他架,並以 LEGO DOTS 的一塊組件作吉他撥片。 「LEGO Ideas 最棒的地方是:如果沒有粉絲投稿,我們就無法推出任何產品。
他的想法是,購買 Fender Stratocaster 的人,可以決定想要的顏色,所以原本的概念是會有多款顏色。為了實踐此概念,這款吉他內含黑色和紅色版本,也像原始設計一樣附有折疊式展示架,並搭配 LEGO DOTS 的零件作為吉他彈片。 LEGO Ideas 最棒的一點是:若不是有人主動提出來,我們就不會做出這些產品。
Actually, the classic Fender Stratocaster also employs its own variation of dual coil humbucking. When you place a five-way Stratocaster pickup selector in position 1,3, or 5, thereby selecting the bridge (position 1), middle (position 3) or neck (position 5) pickup alone, you hear hum...