that you are well-educated and qualified. However, just because you have earned your degree doesn't mean you should sign your name with it. In some cases, adding your degree to your resume is enough.
Addressing a letter to someone with a law degree but who isn't practicing law means recognizing the J.D. as you would any other advanced degree. For example, "Attn: John Smith, J.D." is the appropriate way to address the envelope, as well as the address block in the letter. The sa...
An objective is a written statement often required for admission to a Master's degree program. Often, an objective statement is the best way for admissions counselors to assess a student's potential, and a well-written objective can make the difference between acceptance and rejection. In ...
This is an opportunity to tell your interviewer all the personal strengths that will help you to excel in the course you're applying for. Rather than dropping in your sporting prowess or musical ability, try to stick things that will really help you in your Masters degree, such as your cr...
College seniors looking to expand on their education are hearing back from graduate schools, but how can students know which program is the best fit? Here's what experts recommend students weigh out before deciding on a program.Emily Driscoll...
Start your university application with QS Studying a master’s degree at a UK university is a fantastic opportunity, both for your academic and personal life. Not only will you have a huge choice of world-renowned institutions at which to study, but you’ll be able to immerse yourself in ...
Please, start either with your most recent work experience or with the one closest to the position(s) you are applying for. 9. Education Please, select your type of education - Masters, College, High School etc. Then enter the education details i.e. Degree in Psychology, Doctor of Medicin...
The M.Eng. (Master of Engineering) is a highly specialised professional degree, often chosen by students who want to become professional engineers. The format of M.Eng. degrees is different from one country to another. However, all Masters of Engineering are usually offered by a specialised ins...
One big defining factor associated with salary is completing the necessary licensure to become a certified public accountant (CPA). That said, a master’s degree in accounting and CPA licensure don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand; someone can have a master’s degree and not be a CPA, someon...
Each programme has a specific curriculum and various academic goals. It would be best to be careful before choosing — you don’t want to realise halfway through your first academic year that you’ve enrolled in the wrong degree. The simplest way to avoid this is always to check the p...