If you’re planning to start a business here in the Philippines, you would need to secure different documentation requirements. A handful of these can be gotten from your municipal office but there are some that you need get from a different source. In a previous article, we’ve written ...
After that, I’ll cover two websites where you can actually contact millionaires and billionaires to ask for money (and I’ll even give you some tips on how to write a great letter!) Table of Contents Why Do Rich People Give Money Away? There are many reasons why the world’s millio...
In this post, I am going to help you with the latest requirements and procedures as of 2018. Applying for a Mayor’s Business Permit proved easy and fast nowadays. First, make sure that you have prepared all the necessary documents before going to the Municipal’s Office where you’ll be...
Then, of course, when local vendors see “a silly tourist” easily paying 5x more, they will charge 5x more the next customer in the blink of an eye. Philippines are huge, so maybe when you get to another place, the behaviour of locals will change too. Wishing you more positive ...
How to Transfer Real Estate Titles in the Philippines (From a Sale) Can a Property Be Sold Using Only a Photocopy of its Certificate of Title? Stay safe from fake title scams everyone. Would you rather have professionals do thetitle research and verificationfor you? Contact us today and...
Due to their notable purpose of protecting others from becoming infected, as well as preventing infection for the wearer, today masks are being seen as a sign of collectivism and community, rather than threats against culture and society. One expert in mask culture, Philippines University anthropolo...
COAChange of Address COACollege of Arms(English heraldic authority) COACity of Austin(Texas) COACertificate of Approval(Australia, permit to discharge into environment) COACare-Of Address COACommunities of America(Tampa Bay, FL) COACondition of Approval ...
The UET Teaching Staff Association (TSA) had written a letter to the VC under the subject: 'Investigation of Corruption Charges on Resident Auditor and Illegal Admission of his Children'. Bill for south Punjab province: PML-Q minister raps PTI for 'not consulting an ally' In an interview wi...
Apple has pledged to donate 2 million industrial face masks to help address the needs of health care workers in areas hit hard by the new coronavirus, Pence said in the Saturday briefing. Avoid unnecessary testing and procedures Also during the briefing, Anthony Fauci, director of the National ...
www.pwc.com/ph Explore opportunities How to invest in the Philippines This business guide is specially prepared for the benefit of potential and existing Philippine investors 2015 Isla Lipana & Co. This Guide was specially prepared for the benefit of potential, as well as existing, investors ...