In the past, the White House had a general email address. The addresseswerepresident@whitehouse.govfor the POTUS andvice.president@whitehouse.govfor the VPOTUS for these messages. However, the White House turned off these addresses. The only way to send a message is through the online form....
Posted in How-to, Local news, Shopping | Tagged American flag, Capitol flag, Congressional flag order, congressman, constituent service, Don Beyer, flag request, red, red white and blue, senator, Stars and Stripes, Tim Kaine, U.S. flag, Valley Forge flag | 2 Replies A touchy situation...
or trying to get your US senator’s attention, this article will offer you a guide to writing a clear, respectful letter or email to have your voice heard. Read on to learnhow to write a letterto your elected official, what to include, and find examples. ...
1. If you just want to know how to find who your elected official is with their email and phone information, and you'll make your plea from there, click here. Follow the instructions on the page (they ask for your address). Then a list will pop up for federal, s...
President-elect Donald Trump won Pennsylvania after losing the state in 2020. Scott Pelley visited to find out what was behind the shift this election.
update your personal information, and if you do, the scammers now have it. Finally, create a separate email that’s reserved only for your financial accounts. That way, if a scammer collects your everyday email address, they still won’t have the one that can be used to access your ...
[Your Address] [Date]The Honorable [full name] U.S. Senate (or U.S. House of Representatives) Washington, DC 20510 (20515 for House) DearSenator(orRepresentative) [last name]: I am writing to request an appointment with you on [date]. I am a member of the [your group, if any] ...
The new president vowed federal assistance for the people of Los Angeles after the fires, and said that government funding will continue to flow to North Carolina -- a state he said Democrats “have abandoned.” He said he’d then visit Nevada to “thank them for the big vote.” Trump ...
with a US or Canadian mailing address. Duplicate entries will be deleted. Void where prohibited. You do not have to be a follower to enter but I hope you will find something you like here and become a follower. Followers Will Receive 2 Bonus Entries For Each Way They Follow. Plus 2 Bo...
Question 4 –“Experience in and knowledge of cataloguing”. How would you address this if you hadn’t previously worked as a cataloguer? A4: Do some research. Read this: