People must have an Instagram account to view your story, and Stories can be saved to your profile permanently via “Highlights.” Read: Instagram Stories: What They Are and How to Make One Like a Pro What is the purpose of Instagram? “Personally, I use it to share select updates about...
For the first time, the veil begins to lift and we see each other for the women we have become. When It Comes to Your Adult Children, What is Normal? Some estimate that 96% of American Families are dysfunctional in some way – making it the norm. But “normal” is not necessarily ...
We spend most of our working lives putting money into our retirement accounts (hopefully), but what happens when we retire? How do we turn that nest egg into income that will last at least as long as we do? Let’s take a look at some options:...
Understanding this, let’s take a deeper dive into the Nest-Egg formula: Nest Egg = Shortfall / Withdrawal Rate First: Determine Your Shortfall To solve for Nest Egg, let’s start by quantifying the shortfall input in three steps. 1. What are your lifestyle goals, and how much wi...
If you’re not stashing your spare cash in a savings account that pulls in at least 1% interest, then you’re not making as much money as you can. Of course, putting your money in a high yield savings account isn’t the best way to grow your nest egg, it provides far more liquidi...
"Let's say you have 10 years of compounding," said Thomas Henske, a certified financial planner with Lenox Advisors in New York. "Your money would double, given a 7% rate of return over that time." In other words, if left untouched, your $100,000 could eventually add up to $200,...
30.MARKETWATCH: One Chart Sums Up How the Timing of Your Stock-Market Returns Changes Your Retirement Nest Egg: (How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Freeis mentioned.) "Consider working part time to supplement your income. In the bookHow To Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, Ernie Zelinski discuss...
When peas come to harvest, follow this advice: pick peas the instant that they are bright green and the pods begin to bulge. Split the pod open with your thumb and roll the small sweet peas into your mouth or into the bowl and immediately prepare and enjoy. Young, small, tender peas ...
Things are going to be bitter enough, and you don’t want to add to it. You also don’t want to give him ammo to use against you later in court. Instead, start saving as much as you can. You want a nice little nest egg to help yourself and your children, if you have any, ...
Also consider the age you hope to retire. The later you retire, the more years you have to save— but the less you might be able to enjoy it, if your health takes a turn. Conversely, the earlier you retire, the less time you'll have to save money, and the longer you'll have to...