图15 LTspice模型对应于演示板VIN配置。图16显示了LTspice仿真的FFT,共模辐射在2 MHz时略微超过传导辐射限值线。 图16. DC2822A VIN配置对应的LTspice FFT图 为了减少仿真时间,并优化LTspice仿真与DC2822A演示板实验室测量的匹配度,相比之前的模型(图7和图12),我们对图15进行了以下更改: 无需模拟外壳...
Summary How to Simulate a Variable Resistor in LTSpice • Ensure LT Spice is completely Maximized • Create a circuit how you normally would, with normal resistors • Set the value of resistor that you want to be variable, to be {R} • Click on .op (far right on the toolbar) ...
In LTspice, I-V data can be measured using the.DCSPICE command/directive. The ground clamp of DOUT1 is measured using the setup in Figure 4. In the setup, appropriate supply voltages were applied to configure the device in a high impedance state (please refer to ...
To avoid over charging, a BMS was employed. With my understanding, BMS operated in this way. The BMS monitored voltage across each battery bank. If any one of the banks was over 4.2V, It shorted that bank plus and minus terminals with a resistor to bleed current out and lower its volta...
filter needs to stay comfortably under the input impedance of the converter, which looks like a 15 uH inductance at its operating point. Staying under 15 uH is a squeeze, but this one seems to be a good start: -75 dB at 100 kHz when I put in some reasonable figures for ESR and DCR...
I needed to output as fast as possible a delta bit stream (its bits are stored as bytes in the MCU SRAM space) whose size could be 96 up to 103 bits.The outputted serial bits are supposed to generate, after filtering, a sinewave signal....
Itis difficult to do justice to such a flexible and comprehensive tool injust a few pages and screenshots. There are many powerful functionssuch as symbol and footprint creation and editing, basic hierarchy,adding models and subcircuits to spice symbols and schematics, theSchematic Design Manager, ...
Results of running the SPICE simulation (Source: Elizabeth Simon) As we can see, we started with a part that initially appeared to be overkill, and yet we ended up putting three of them in parallel to share the load. We also need to design the voltage cut-off detection circuit, but tha...
Even back in the days of “fuse link” PROMs you could often blow fuses that had not been blown if you could get the required voltage etc to do it. Modern Flash –which many OTP parts are– you can likewise over write existing programing by pulling unchanged bits down. Look at a byte...
than 500000 libraries with symbols and footprints of components and you will ever need, there is also a feature to create your own component symbol and footprint if needed. One more advantage is, it can support other software libraries and schematic which includes Altium, EAGLE, LTspice, and ...