In LTspice, I-V data can be measured using the.DCSPICE command/directive. The ground clamp of DOUT1 is measured using the setup in Figure 4. In the setup, appropriate supply voltages were applied to configure the device in a high impedance state (please refer to ...
We have only polarized the amplifier but there is no need to consider a small signal at this time. The parameters that the NsCircle function should consider are those of the chosen transistor that the manufacturer has provided. We have only polarized the amplifier but th...
The main complication with this approach is that the curve above is very sensitive to the temperature and to the manufacturing characteristics of the transistor. Because the curve is exponential, even a small shift in the curve will radically change the current. This was a serious difficulty when...
All the way to the left of the circuit, are a 1KΩ resistor and a 10KΩ resistor in parallel. These resistors in parallel set up a bias voltage for the PNP transistor. This allows for the PNP transistor to turn up and allows current flow from the emitter to the collector of the PNP ...
Transistor circuit to turn on a solenoid (Model drawn inLTspice, Source: Elizabeth Simon) The answer should be obvious; we need to use a larger transistor. Generally, devices in TO-92 packages are not going to be able to dissipate much power, so when I say “larger,” I’m talking ab...
I won’t dwell on the procedures used to perform and plot temperature simulations in LTspice, because that information is available elsewhere (this page, for example). Instead I’ll briefly mention the key points: Use a “.step temp ...” SPICE directive for the temperature variations; in ...
S How to reliably and reversibly disable an IC if a security check or challenge is failed? General Electronics Chat 20 Nov 20, 2024 H How to check the stability analysis of complex opamp circuit in Ltspice Analog & Mixed-Signal Design 2 Oct 17, 2024 S What does this circuit do? Ac po...
But if I want to build this and test it out with a function generator and scope, it's going to load a 50 ohm source in the place of V1 too much to get a clear picture of the transfer function. How can I characterize this circuit if I build it?
Introduction Using a simple, three transistor clamp circuit as an example, this article introduces the features of EasyEDA and gives an overview of how to
The input frequency is internally divided by something like 256 (I am too lazy to check the datasheet), and then measured.As for the SPICE junk, use the real transistor's model and model the PIC's input as a load on p3 « Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 06:22:00 pm by Bored@Work...