"kemonoparty": { "metadata": true, "directory": ["{category}", "{service}", "{username}-{user}"], "archive": "./db/kemono.sqlite3", "filename": "{id}_{title}_{num:>02}.{extension}", "postprocessors": [ { "name": "metadata", "event": "post", "filename": "{id}....
I'm looking for the configuration options that will let me download text from posts on kemono.party, and avoid downloading any other files. I must be missing something, because I can't figure out how to even download post text in the first place, let alone how to do so while not ...
I put the new files in the right spot...now my generator doesn't work and crashes the whole program if I try to use it :(
Yagiyamais a freelance illustrator who designs and draws characters--mostly men and monsters--for play-by-web and social games. Yowis an illustrator and manga artist specializing, most recently, in kemono characters.
When you're hunting a giantkemono, it's frustrating to experience drops in frame rate. These FPS drops can affect gameplay, making it more difficult to strike enemies with precision and dodge attacks. Issues like these can break immersion, reminding you that the world of Azuma isn't real, ...
Before the Second World War, and for a while after that war, most of Japanese painting artworks were used to be decorated to hanging scrolls. By reasons of the above, now, we can enjoy high-quality hanging scrolls made after the Meiji era....
Kemono Mouth Neck Nose RearHair Tattoo Also of note: Klandaghi brought up a good point. The post that he made is here. Klandaghi said: As a side note, this probably came naturally for any veterans of the RPG Maker line, but don't think you need to swap the head file for...