Hello, I'm using Xamarin Studio. I have a launch page and have to add and debug new pages. How can I debug a new page in simulator and how can I set a page as start page in Xamarin Studio ? All replies (6) Thursday, June 23, 2016 8:03 AM Add the page and set the main ...
I do have a button in my Xamarin Forms Page. Whenever the button is clicked, I need to call the method in Android Project (in MainActivity.cs) if the device is Android and call the method in iOS Project (in AppDelegate.cs) if the device is iPhone....
this method will enable you to add timer overlays to specific scenes on the footage, including the intro part. Even best is that the countdown timers come in multiple styles, and you can customize the timer with appropriate background
Step 7 Now, go to the properties Window. Select the first label and give a name (Ex:lblTimer).Step 8 In this step, go to the ViewController.cs page. Add Timer namespace. ViewController.cs using System.Timers;Step 9 In this step, go to the ViewController.cs page. Write the code ...
Profiling is done by adding 2 method calls to somewhere in your application, a .trace file is generated when you run your app with profiling. Code to add:Debug.startMethodTracing("profileName");//put where you want to start profiling ie. application.onCreate ...
Boston-based Fiksu, which offers technologies for marketing mobile apps, expects to add about 100 employees over the next year — and half of the new hires could be in Boston, founder and CEO Micah Adler said in an interview. The growth comes as interest in releasing mobile apps — includin...
Add a comment 58 You have two choices: db.users.find({"name": /string/}) or db.users.find({"name": {"$regex": "string", "$options": "i"}}) For the second one, you have more options, like "i" in options to find using case insensitive. And about the "string", you...
The Control Centre shows the Screen Recorder. Hit on it and begin the procedure. The screen recording would be started, followed by a timer with a red dot. If you have to stop the recording, tap on the red dot. The video recording is saved in the gallery. ...
Add "Please Select" to dropdownlistfor Add a client-side checkbox click handler to Razor view add a custom section inside my web.config file Add a Delete Button Dynamically to HTML Table Add Action Link to Kendo Grid Add and delete values from hidden field Add and E...
Some of the shooting took place in New Orleans, and Dominic Cooper (Jesse Custer), Graham McTavish (the Saint of Killers) and Joseph Gilgun (Cassidy) discussed what the distinctive atmosphere of the Crescent City...