The foundation of underlining text in CSS lies in the text-decoration property. This versatile property lets you control not only underlining but also overlines, line-throughs, and combinations thereof. Let’s focus on the core value that creates underlines: The ‘underline’ Value To add a ba...
Adding custom CSS gives you the power to tweak everything from fonts and colors to spacing and animations. Basically, you get full creative control over how your site looks! We remember when WordPress users had to dive into theme files to add custom CSS, and a lot of our readers told us...
Letter spacing is a handy tool in your CSS toolkit that lets you increase or decrease the space between letters. You can measure distance in pixels, ems, or points. I’ve often taken advantage of this cool feature to sprinkle a little elegance onto headings or untangle body text that’s a...
If you want to change your text back to the original size, then you can also do that by clicking on the three-dotted menu next to the Typography settings. This will open up a new dropdown menu where you have to click the ‘Reset’ option. Other than that, you can alsoadd drop caps...
Add text to a documentTo add text to a Dreamweaver document, you can type text directly in the Document window, or you can cut and paste text. You can also import text from other documents. When you paste text into a Dreamweaver document, you can use either the Paste or the Paste ...
More like this Understanding Cascading StyleSheets Create a blank page Set default document type and encoding Link to an external CSS style sheet Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Share this page Link copied Was this page helpful? Yes, thanksNot really ...
text-align: center; color: brown; } The word spacing attribute with rem value CSS word-spacing is an attribute. This word-spacing attribute is used to give the space in between word to word equally wherever we want. It means this property increase or decrease the white space in betwee...
HTML blank space is quite different than adding space in Microsoft Word. It enables the creation of documents with many spaces between words and other components. That’s not how web design spacing is handled. So, here comes the critical question of this blog post: how to add space in ...
Similarly, you may want to add padding to text elements on a web page. Generally, you would like the padding to be proportional to the font size of the corresponding element. This can’t be achieved with absolute units. However, if the padding is specified in terms of em units, it will...
<!DOCTYPE html> CSS Border-spacing Properties CopyTry it in the following editor or see the solution.a. How to specify the distance between the borders of adjacent?b. How to set initial spacing property to its default value?c. How to border-spaciing...