You will now be presented with the details of the Upgrade Campaign. I know it’s a lot of text, but please read it carefully, as it contains a lot of information about the upgrade process. When you are done reading, confirm that you agree to the terms and click “Next”. On ...
您可以使用 來安裝此延伸模組 az extension add --name ssh。 當您使用 Azure Cloud Shell 時,您不需要安裝此擴充功能,因為它已預安裝。 如果您使用 Azure CLI 或支援 OpenSSH 憑證的 Azure Cloud Shell 以外的任何 SSH 用戶端,您仍然需要搭配 SSH 擴充功能使用 Azure CLI 來擷取暫時的 SSH 憑證,以及選擇性...
You will now be presented with the details of the Upgrade Campaign. I know it’s a lot of text, but please read it carefully, as it contains a lot of information about the upgrade process. When you are done reading, confirm that you agree to the terms and click “Next”. On this...
az role assignment create\--role"Virtual Machine Administrator Login"\--assignee-object-id<service-principal-objectid>\--assignee-principal-typeServicePrincipal \--scope"/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroup-name>" Utilisez l’exemple suivant pour vous authentifier auprès d’Az...