Use chmod command to set the sticky bit. If you are using theoctal numbers in chmod, give 1 before you specify other numbered privileges, as shown below. The example below, gives rwx permission to user, group and others (and also adds the sticky bit to the directory). $ chmod 1777 dir...
Today we will see how to set Sticky Bit in Linux. This is next to SGID in our ongoing File and Folder permissions series in Linux. We already discussed aboutCHMOD,UMASK,CHOWN,CHGRP,SGIDandSUIDfile and folder permissions etc in our the previous posts. In this post we will see What is St...
Since Linux is a multiuser networking operating system where several users access files or directories simultaneously, there is always a chance of deleting critical files or directories accidently or intentionally. The chattr command provides a better way to deal with this situation. The chattr command...
Now that your theme is set up, it’s time to add a sticky floating sidebar widget to one of your web pages. While some themes include sidebars by default, we’ll show you how to add one to pages that don’t, just in case you need guidance. Start by navigating to the ‘Templates...
After that, choose the ‘exactly matches’ option from the dropdown menu in the middle and then add a page URL. Once you do that, the floating footer bar will only be displayed on the page you chose. Additionally, you can select the ‘Exit Intent’ option to show the sticky floating ...
add-apt-repository -y ppa:hvr/ghc apt-get update apt-get install -y cabal-install-1.22 ghc-7.10.2 # Add this to your shell main configuration file: export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:/opt/cabal/1.22/bin:/opt/ghc/7.10.2/bin:$PATH source $HOME/.<shellrc> cabal update nginx-lint: git ...
Rewrite POST request with payload to external endpoint Adding and removing the "www" prefix Tips and methods for high load traffic testing (cheatsheet) Installation from source Add installation process on FreeBSD 11.2 (separate file) Add installation process on CentOS 7 for Tengine Web Server (sepa...
Let's face it: The Linux filesystem can be complex. Add in mounted remote filesystems, removable media, and any server-specific directories you have created, and you or your users may find it difficult to remember exactly where a given file is stored. That's where thefindcommand comes in...
But here is an article below about bring sticky note app back on Windows Server 2012 R2 may be helpful to you.How to Install Sticky Notes to Windows Server 2012
Add a Local Account to "Log on as a service" - GPO or SCRIPT : neither works! Add a use or group to Hyper-V Administrators goup on Windows 10 machine Add an NT Service Account or SID to Active Directory GPO Add builtin group Interactive to the builtin group Administrators through Grou...