@Path("/employees") public class JerseyService { @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Employees getAllEmployees() { Employees list = new Employees(); list.setEmployeeList(new ArrayList<Employee>()); list.getEmployeeList().add(new Employee(1, "Lokesh Gupta")); list.getEmployeeLi...
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Novice question here: if I've got no plugins (not using Maven or Gradle or anything) and simply using intellij and GitHub to develop with a team of others that may or may not be using intellij as well (they might be using Eclipse, NetBeans, or some other IDE) how shou...
In this Java Eclipse tutorial, I will show you two ways to add external JAR files in Eclipse Java projects. Many times we need to use external JAR files in our Java application for different needs like for general purposes you may use Google Guava or Apache Commons. If you are using ...
<Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" /> Sometimes, the port we have chosen is not open by default. In that case, we would need to open the port with the appropriate commands in the Unix kernel, or create the appropriate firewall rules...
For JDBC connection, you need to establish a database tunnel. If you have connected to you Hana cloud instance through eclipse, it has already done so. But, the logon credentials are not available in Eclipse To fetch the logon credentails, go the place where you have the Hana SDK and ...
To run such tests directly in IDEA, set the modules dummy-connector and dummy-connector-fake as ignored (in icf-connectors module). Right-click on the modules, select Maven - Ignore projects. Then reimport the Maven project unless you use auto-import. Don’t let IDEA to remove the modules...
To do that, add the following sections to demo.testapp/package.json. Note that package name "testlibrary" is coming from the name declared in package.json file of the library. If I execute npm start on the app folder at this point, an error occurs saying that "testlibrary" could not ...
Back in the Terminal on the Linux server as the cluster_admin user, navigate to the vora bin folder where SAP HANA Vora Spark Shell is contained. Then run the start-spark-shell command. Once the shell has started, run the command to import the spark.sql....
Add the JDBC Driver to ClassPath to Solve thejava.sql.SQLException: No suitable driverError in Java To add the JDBC driver to the classpath, we need to download the MySQL Connector Jar, which also includes the JDBC driver. Follow the steps below to add the JDBC driver to the classpath ...