A dull head of hair tends to be dry, dull, and lifeless. Numerous factors can contribute to it, such as the use of unhealthy products, a poor diet, or overuse of harsh chemicals. It's possible to brighten up dull-looking hair thanks to a variety of beauty products. It is possible to...
the stem, the seeds are all viable. With the guava, you can use the fresh leaves to make a rinse that will infuse moisture into your strands and add shine to dull hair.
by requesting that your hair colorist add thin highlights a shade lighter than your base shade throughout your hair, Pearl advises. “This imparts a slight gleam that catches the light,” he says. Best-Tested Shine Products Smoothing Serum ...
How to Shine When You’re Put on the Spot By Matt Abrahams … Research shows that the fear of public speaking is common—scaring many of us even more than do heights, bugs, snakes, or flying. However, although most o...
It also provides natural shine to dull hair, strengthens the hair follicles, soothes dry scalp and reduces itchy scalp. As a matter of fact if you take a quick look at the back of some of your favorite leave in conditioners you might find the extract very high up on the ingredient list...
Whether your hair is straight or curly, short or long, everyone wants to have a luscious and healthy hair. However, some of us have to live with dull, dry, and frizzy hair. So, it is very necessary to find ways to deal with hair dryness. If you are struggling with hair dryness and...
4. Is It Possible to Get Rid of Smile Lines? There are ways to minimize the look of your smile lines in real life. Primarily, people use fillers to add volume to any area that has wrinkles or creases, including smile folds. You can also try techniques like microneedling or laser treat...
It's no secret that aging changes your body. Your metabolisms slow down, yourbodies take longer to bounce back from injuries, and your hair growth slows. Because yep, hair ages, too! We're here to help with a handy guide to healthier hair at any age. Lea
I often hear naturals complain about how dry and dull their hair is -- especially if they have 4C hair, which can be tightly coiled and prone to dryness. You may be thinking, "If I am no longer relaxing my hair, then why does it feel drier than when I us
The first impression matters, therefore you have to take care of your image before presenting yourself to a job interview. Tie your hair or get a haircut and a clean shave, remove piercings, big earrings, hide tattoos, don’t abuse any perfumes or deodorants, dress well. The picture of ...