You can see in the image above I appear to be using theUSER:100000projection (the note in the bottom right-hand corner). QGIS didn’t know what to name the NY State Plane projection when I imported the shapefile, so it gave us that confusing result. What if it’s wrong!!! We’re ...
For all other map types (built in and downloaded, created by others), a dialog shows the keys that can be used to correlate to the regions in the map. What do I have to add or do in the SHP file (in QGIS) to add map keys such that they can be used in the Power BI deskto...
Click on the “Connect” button and you should see your map style name from Mapbox listed. Highlight this entry (it should convert to a shaded blue) and type the layer name that you want for this map style to show up under in the QGIS layers panel. Then hit add and then close. Yo...
Click on the “Connect” button and you should see your map style name from Mapbox listed. Highlight this entry (it should convert to a shaded blue) and type the layer name that you want for this map style to show up under in the QGIS layers panel. Then hit add and then close. Yo...
Hi, I want to import 3D shapefiles into my potree viewer. I tested to adapt the example but it doesn't work. My point cloud and my 3D shapefile are into the same coordinate system (cartesian): EPSG:3944 _ RGF93 / CC44. +proj=lcc +lat_1=4...
QGIS’ Composer has the ability to create an “Atlas” built-in. In open source QGIS software, before version 1.9 it used to be a plugin. Now, it’sintegrated into QGIS core. Simply, QGIS Atlas allows you to create multiple maps using records in a shapefile or spatial data set. ...
Creating data in QGIS If you want to create points, lines, and polygons, then you can make a newshapefileto store these features: First, start by right-clicking the folder you want to create the shapefile in the Browser panel. Then, select New ▸ Shapefile. ...
Intro to QGIS for ARCH 306. I cover loading shape files into the program and creating a polygon to clip the area outside of the site. Quantum GIS Create Polygons Video2: Explains the process of converting a layer of points in QGIS into their associated polygons using a handy plugin calle...
To add Tile service in QGIS 3 simply, go to XYZ Tiles in the Browser panel. Now click on aNew Connection, right-click onXYZ Tiles. Enter the name, for example: G Satellite. Copy and paste one of the TMS listed above into the URL. Adjust the maximum zoom level (19). Accept all ch...
1. Import the spatial data to QGIS To create a selection with an expression, first open your dataset in QGIS. 1. Open QGIS 2. From the menu bar choose Layer → Add Layer → Add Vector Layer 3. Navigate to your shapefile and add the dataset by selecting the .shp component of the dat...