1. 在Windows系统中添加打印机 (Adding a Printer in Windows) a. 打开设置 (Open Settings) b. 选择设备 (Select Devices) 在设置界面中,找到“设备”选项,点击进入。 c. 添加打印机或扫描仪(Add a Printer or Scanner) 在设备页面中,点击“添加打印机或扫描仪”按钮。系统将开始搜索可用的打印机。 d. ...
5.1 打开打印机设置 (Open Printer Settings) 打开“设置”(Settings)或“系统设置”(System Settings)。 找到“打印机”(Printers)选项。 5.2 添加打印机 (Add Printer) 点击“添加打印机”(Add Printer)按钮。 系统将搜索网络打印机。 5.3 输入IP地址 (Enter IP Address) 如果没有找到打印机,可以手动输入IP地址...
完成后,打印机将添加到设备列表中。 3.5 测试打印 (Test the Printer) 在“设备和打印机”中,右键点击新添加的打印机,选择“打印测试页”以确认连接是否成功。 四、在Mac系统中连接共享打印机 (Connecting to a Shared Printer inmacOS) 对于Mac用户,连接共享打印机的步骤略有不同。 4.1 打开系统偏好设置 (Open...
Your Chromebook will present you with a list of all printers that it can find. Select the printer of your choice then click on theAddbutton to save it under your printer profile. If you want to connect to your printer via Wi-Fi, make sure that you are on the same Wi-Fi network as ...
How to add a printer to a Mac Like most settings on MacOS, you’ll find those for adding a printer inSystem preferences. Step 1:Select theAppleicon and pickSystem preferences, or choose theSystem preferencesicon in your Dock. Step 2:On the main screen, openPrinters and scanners. You’ll...
The Add Printer Queue dialog opens. To configure the new printer queue, enter all the appropriate information for the printer in the dialog: In the Connection section of the dialog, select the connection type from the drop-down menu.
在CUPS界面中,点击“添加打印机”(Add Printer)。 按照提示选择您要共享的打印机,并完成设置。 5.4 配置防火墙 (Configuring Firewall) 确保您的防火墙允许CUPS的端口(通常是631)进行通信。 6. 在其他计算机上连接共享打印机 (Connecting to Shared Printer on Other Computers) ...
To add a print to the context menu, follow these instructions: open File Explorer. Typeshell:sendtoin the address bar and hit Enter. With both the Send To folder and Printers folder File Explorer windows open and visible, select the printer you want to add to the Send to menu and drag...
Add a printer by specifying its IP address If the methods mentioned above do not bear fruit, connecting your printer to your Mac through its IP address is what you should try next. Click the Apple logo→ System Preferences. Now, select Printer and Scanners→ + button. Select the IP Icon...
Click "Printer Properties" and then click the "General" tab in the dialog window. Highlight the printer's current name in the field at the top of the window. Type a new name for the printer that describes what it does or where it's located to help users find it easily, for example...