The userId in the facebook table will be a foreign key value, referencing id in the users table. The fbUserId is guaranteed to be unique by facebook. The reason I split these tables up is I plan to have more social logins in the future, and I'm trying mak...
A table should have only one primary key, but multiple columns can be defined in a single primary key, when multiple columns are being used as a single primary key, then it is called a composite primary key. How many ways to add a primary key to any table in SQLite There are two way...
For more information, see How to: Open a Dataset in the Dataset Designer. Right-click the DataTable to add the column. Point to Add, and then click Column. Replace the default column name, if desired, by selecting the column name in the data table and editing the text. Set the Data...
A primary key must use unique values. If the primary key consists of more than one column, the combination of values in these columns must be unique across the whole table. Since the key is meant to identify every row uniquely, it can’t appear more than once. A primary key must not ...
In general Table have one primary it possible to more than one primary key in a table?(ie is it possible to add more than one pirmary key in a table). Help me
back to the top Adding Registry Subkeys or Adding and Changing Registry Values To add a registry subkey or add or change a registry value, make the appropriate changes in the registry, and then export the appropriate subkey or subkeys. Exported registry subkeys are automatically saved as .re...
back to the top Adding Registry Subkeys or Adding and Changing Registry Values To add a registry subkey or add or change a registry value, make the appropriate changes in the registry, and then export the appropriate subkey or subkeys. Exported r...
I want to send table name,primary key corresponding to that table into another table when the trigger fires. Simply i am writing some audit triggers. I want to know which table modified,primary key. Ex: Current_user() we can send current user name and host name like that is there any...
First, we will learn how to create the table in an SQL server. Run the below query for creating Employee and department table. CreatetabletblMyDepartment(Idintprimarykeyidentity(1,1),DepartmentNamevarchar(50),IsActivebit) SQL Copy CreatetabletblMyEmployee(Idintprimarykeyidentity(1,...
Unable to update the EntitySet 'Emp_Details' because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element to support the current operation. Why this error? If i add primary key to the column 'ID' then it's working fine. Why primary key is must for a table to update in EF?