Before you put your plants in the ground, if you need to add magnesium and increase the pH of your soil at the same time, the best thing to do is an application of lime. Calcitic and dolomitic limestone are the two most common choices for this application. Dolomitic is the cheapest opti...
To use, mix one part mixture to 20 parts water. Add to a foliar sprayer and spray directly on the plant foliage, stems, and any exposed roots. Spray directly on the soil as well. This version makes a big batch and you can retain your soil samples to make more later if you need to...
On the other hand, infertile soil that has good physical properties(tilth)can be made productive by using compost, organic matter, lime,commercial fertilizer, and other soil improving materials. If your garden has already been cultivated and used in past years, there is little to do other than...
Your soil needs to be able to provide nutrients to plants. Otherwise, your plants won’t grow well. Having the right soil pH (level of acidity) means your plants can take up the necessary nutrients in the soil. If your pH is too high, many nutrients such as phosphorus and iron may be...
If you have ever admired the lush, rolling turf at your local golf course you may have wondered just how much organic soil amendment it must take to get it to look like that. You may be surprised to learn that most golf turf has 95 percent sand as its ba
Carrots are among the easiest garden vegetables to grow—and the most bountiful--given the right conditions. Learn to grow carrots.
Each spring, apply a layer of compost under the plant and a 2-inch layer ofmulchto retain moisture and control weeds. Some gardeners swear by phosphorus to aid with flowering. Scratch a couple of cups of bone meal into the soil in the spring and then add some rock phosphate in the fall...
The pea is traditionally the first kitchen garden crop planted each year. It goes into the ground as soon as the soil can be worked. When peas come to harvest, follow this advice: pick peas the instant that they are bright green and the pods begin to bulge. Split the pod open with ...
Add Compost to the Tilled Soil All those weeds have depleted the nutrients from the soil. Spreadcompostover the area, and use the cultivator to mix it in. The entire garden bed was tilled in less than half an hour! Try to do that with a shovel by hand! A quick raking evened out the...
How to get rid of moles While moles do not eat your precious garden plants or even the roots of your turf grass, the soil piles and raised trails found in the yard can be a real nuisance. The damage moles cause is aesthetic, but it’s understandable why so many homeowners want to sen...