Obsidian is a personal knowledge base and note-taking software application that operates on Markdown files. It allows users to make internal links for notes and then to visualize the connections as a graph. It is designed to help users organize and structure their thoughts and knowledge in a f...
Obsidian is one of the best apps to build a personal database. But, if you've been using an alternate service for a while, you may be apprehensive about switching over due to concerns about maintaining your older data. Thankfully, that will be a complete non-issue with ...
How to use Obsidian to create a Personal Knowledge Management system How to sync notes on Obsidian using the Remotely Save plugin The first step is to add a plugin via the Obsidian Vault. Obsidian has support for various plugins, making it quite flexible in terms of functionality. We'll make...
6.2 初学者/新手/小白-6 Keys to Markdown-How to Use the Obsidian for Notes 869 0 08:59 App Obsidian 白板_2 945 0 12:27 App 初学者/新手/小白如何使用Obsidian记笔记? How to Get Started with the Obsidian for Note Taking? 1764 0 10:22 App 怎么通过链接来做更好的笔记Lesson2?-Make ...
Back in 2015 I needed to export my Kindle notes, so I did some digging and rounded up a few tools which would help me do just that. The tools range from the simple (copy+paste from a web browser) to the inaccessible (an iPhone app and a Mac-only script). ...
Obsidian is a powerful note-taking app that I love, but it charges $5 a month for the ability to sync between your devices. If, like me, you feel that’s a bit too much, here’s a guide on syncing your Obsidian notes between your phone and PC for free. Your Options ...
When your main goal is maintaining the streak, some pressure is taken off the activity itself. If you’re maintaining a running streak, even a poor running session is a win. Instead of feeling like it’s all pointless and that you might as well quit running, you get to add another chec...
How to create a desktop shortcut for any app on Linux How to create a XAMPP server Desktop shortcut Ad Ad [Desktop Entry] Name=Obsidian Exec=/home/user/Obsidian-1.3.5.AppImage Icon=/home/user/icons/obsidian.png Type=Application Terminal=false ...
When I add more notes, things might become messy. I want to make it easier to find my notes, so I’d like to add more structure. There are two common solutions to add structure to your notes: Categories Tags Let’s take a look at both options. ...
On my Notes + Ideas and Library pages, I have added buttons so I can quickly add a new note, idea, or book. You can even have the button apply a Notion template to whatever page it created (Eek!). Here’s what they look like. ...