hv = array.new_float() mv = array.new_float() lv = array.new_float() amean = array.new_float(1,high_volatility) bmean = array.new_float(1,medium_volatility) cmean = array.new_float(1,low_volatility) if nz(volatility) > 0 and bar_index >= training_data_peri...
I tried to use Strategy.closeAllAtEndOfSession() but only half the positions were closed. I need to fix this code so that at end of each session all my positions are closed before next session begins. So, any thoughts on this? Thank you. compiler-errors pine-script tradin...
In this pine script tutorial I’ll be showing you how to get started with TradingView scripting for technical analysis and trading strategy development. We will start by looking at how pine script works and a simple example. From there we will move on to inputs and indicators before creating ...
If you are new on TradingView, you can start with a free account and upgrade when needing to access the full suite of features. The cloud-based platform can be accessed on web browser or smartphone app. When you access the chart, users can add a list of stocks to watchlist, see live ...
1.Copy the Pine Script Code If the custom indicator is shared with you as a Pine Script code, copy the entire script. This will include all the functions, variables, and logic for the indicator. 2.Open TradingView Go to theTradingView websiteand log into your account. If you don't have...
Let’s add the DB dump into MySQL: mysql-uhomestead-psecret<app\Script\DBdump.sql Open up the database in a tool like Sequel Pro and you will the sample data in the bowhead_ohlc (open, high, low, close) table. API accounts we need in order to set up automated trading ...
I'm lookingtobuild a modern, clean, user-friendly video sharingwebsiteusing aPHPVideo Sharing Script. The site will host our own videos, shorts, and articles, but also allow userstosubmit their own videos via links from other platforms. Post-review, we'll decide whethertopublish these submis...
In code, it seems like.. LongCondition = close > open As is: If LongCondition strategy.entry('long',...) To be: If LongCondition If Open > close[1] This is not work, how to achieve that condition after condition match? pine-scripttradingview-api Stack...
Is there a workaround to it? P.S. Please note that this is only happening in real-time. On chart, the strategy is generating trades accurately. The strategy involves simple harmonic patterns traded through fib levels. pine-script tradingview-api Share Improve this question Follow ...
1 Prevent duplicate alerts in TradingView in the same direction 2 How do I assign the most recent close to a variable in pine script? 0 Tradingview Pine Script plotshape function not working with conditional series - where's the error? 0 I'm getting trading view's Could not f...