Now, I want to run my app on web and macOS, but I receive the following error when trying to use flutter run -d macos: Exception: No macOS desktop project configured. See to learn about adding macOS support to a proj...
voidsend(StringreceiverUUID)async{ Message message = Message( message: messageController.text, receiverUUID: receiverUUID,;await_messageApi.send(message); Chat chat =await_findOrCreate(receiverUUID);///FIXME Unhandled Exception: Unsupported operation: Cann...
I hope you enjoyed learning abouthow to add text markup annotation in Flutter PDF Viewer using Syncfusion®PDF package. You can refer to ourFlutter PDF Viewerpage to know about its other groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore ourdocumentationto under...
Then open the new project menu with Command + Shift + P and Select "Flutter: New Project" to create this project. Once you've done this, open the main.dart file residing in the lib/ directory and find the scaffold line in the widget builder. Then replace everything that lies inside ...
With the new LineManager you can add lines where some have patterns and some have the dash array and they will both be shown on the map. Adding both to same feature will still not work as this is not supported by mapbox. hello! can you help me. how to add line-dasharry mapbox?
$ flutter pub add mqtt_client This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get): dependencies: mqtt_client: ^9.6.8 Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use: import 'package:mqtt_client/mqtt_client.dart'; Use of MQTT Connect...
1flutter pubaddworkmanager This will add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file. 1dependencies:2workmanager: ^0.5.03 To import the plugin in the main.dart file adds the line below. 1import'package:workmanager/workmanager.dart';
Currently I use cron job to run program on boot, all functionalities (also touch and keyboard) are working like a charm sudo crontab -e then in the bottom of the text editor (you can use vim, nano, etc) add this line: @reboot /home/[your-username]/projects/ >> /...
If we don't store our API keys in version control, how can we share them with other team members or retrieve them when we checkout our project on a different machine? The solution is to store them in asecure vaultload them into our Flutter project using a CLI tool. ...
–Add this package to your example app,go to your pubspec.yaml file under example app addmi_flutter_packageunder dependencies. If you’re using the terminal, execute the command `flutter pub get`. In VS Code, simply click on “Get Packages” found on the right side of the action ribbon...