Alternatively, if you are using Maven inside Eclipse via M2Eclipse plugin then you can also add dependency as shown below : Steps : 1. Select pom.xml from your Eclipse project package explorer 2. Go to the dependency tab as shown below 3. Click add and search for MySQL connector, once ...
Database connections:The mysql database is inside Vagrant instance, and can be accessed via SSH to localhost with a private key file, which is also stored in the repository. There are no security issues with sharing private key or passwords in the project files, as this is lo...
How to Solve Error Message DBeaver DBException: Error resolving dependencies IOException: Maven artifact ‘maven:/mysql:mysql-connector-java:RELEASE’ not found The above image is from an article e...
//Init MySQL JDBC Drivertry{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); }catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"MySQL Connector/J (*.jar file) not added to your project and/or not exist.","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);return; }//Connect to hosttry{ co...
I am using MySql database and have installed mysql-connector-java-3.1.3-beta-bin.jar in the **".. jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19\webapps\FamilyViolence\WEB-INF\lib" directory. I am using NetBeans 3.6 as my IDE. I appreciate the assistance on this!! Tom Boyce Angel Dobbs-Sciortino Ranch Hand...
Pre requirement:NetBeans 6.x.x, MySQL 5.x.x andalready completed Tutorial 1. In this tutorial we will continue customizing our Java desktop GUI and MySQL database project. The original tutorial can be found All credits must go to the original authors. ...