All I want to do is mount it. Is there a way to make puppet not to care about the permissions of the directory used as the mount point? This is what I'm using right now: define extra_mount_point( $device, $location = "/mnt", $fstype = "xfs", $owner = "root", $group = ...
Add Mount Points to fstab File For the system to register the new configuration run the command: # systemctl daemon-reload To verify the configuration works as expected, mount the filesystems. # mount /data # mount /block Removing a Stratis Filesystem To remove a filesystem, you need to,...
only mount one mount point at /run/media/sda1 ? in zeus branch? ;;; 2. but in sumo branch, I can do it well! I add the below lines in /etc/fstab, it works! Although after unplugging and plugging once, the device change to /dev/sdb, sdc,sdd ... but it can a...
Themountcommand tries to find a mount point and if it can’t find any, then searches for a device (both cases in the/etc/fstabfile), and finally attempts to complete the mount operation (which usually succeeds, except for the case when either the directory or the device is already being...
Now, you'll want to check that there are no errors infstab. Unmount the drive: sudo umount /mount/point And mount the drive usingfstab: sudo mount -a If this completed with no errors, you're good to go. If not, you'll want to double check that your UUID and configuration is corre...
Now, create a mountpoint for your drive. You can make it whatever you want, but a common place to mount things is in the /mnt dir. Create a folder there with 1 sudo mkdir mount_name Of course, you can have “mount_name” as whatever you want. Finally, after that, we can try ...
How to mount iSCSI devices at boot time? Logical Volumes residing on my iSCSI devices are not activated after booting iSCSI volumes are not getting mounted after rebooting system After reboot, iSCSI LVM volumes does not appear/visible andlvsstatus is offline. ...
The mount point is an accessible directory of the previously existing file system with which you attach the new file system. The mount point is the root directory of the new file system, and the original content of that directory becomes inaccessible til
To mount iSCSI LUNs in/etc/fstab, add_netdevto the mount options near the end of the line. Properly formatted/etc/fstablines for two different iSCSI mount points are shown below: Raw #device mount point FS Options Backup fsck LABEL=data1 /mnt/data1 ext3 _netdev 0 0 LABEL=data2 /mnt...
Let’s imagine that we want to mount a USB stick located in /dev/sdb1. We need to edit the /etc/fstab file with our editor of choice and super-user rights and append this line: /dev/sdb1 /media/usb-stick auto defaults,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 2 We should keep in mind that ...