In this post, we will show how to install Maven on the Windows platform. Note that if you want to use Maven, you need to have Java installed and an environment variable set up. #1 Step #2 Step #3 Step #4 Step #5 Step #6 Step...
To install maven on windows, you need to download apache maven first. Download Maven latest Maven software fromDownload latest version of Maven For Extract it. Now it will look like this: 2) Add MAVEN_HOME in environment variable ...
2.2) Setting Maven Environment Variables - M2_HOME and Path The next step is to set up the environment variables - M2_HOME and Path. We have to add the Maven bin directory to the Path variable. Open .bash_profile in your favorite text editor and add below lines to the end of it. ex...
az spring app deploy \ --resource-group <resource-group-name> \ --service <Azure-Spring-Apps-instance-name> \ --name <app-name> \ --builder <builder-name> \ --source-path <path-to-source-code> You can also configure the build environment to build the app. For example, in a Java...
Step #2: Set up the MAVEN_HOME System Variable The next step is to add the environment variable. For this, navigate to the Search Box to the right of the Start button and type in environment variables. Select the option to Modify the system environment variables. ...
So, to add maven environment variable, we need to open.bash_profileand paste the following content: MAVEN_HOME="/Users/devwithus/apache-maven-3.8.1" PATH="${MAVEN_HOME}/bin:${PATH}" export PATH Type the following command to apply all the changes: ...
Add M2_HOME Environment Variable 2.4. Include ‘bin’ directory in PATH Variable To run Maven commands from the console, windows should be able to locate the Maven batch files. Update thePATHvariable with'%M2_HOME%\bin' directory. Add Path to Maven bin folder ...
3.3 In “Environment variables” dialog,System variables, Clicks on theNew...button and add aMAVEN_HOMEvariable and point it toc:\opt\apache-maven-3.6.0 4. Add %MAVEN_HOME%\bin To PATH In system variables, findPATH, clicks on theEdit...button. In “Edit environment variable” dialog, ...
1.3 Alternatively, we can usetryto handle the non-exists key. importos, systry:# If the requested key does not exist, it raises `KeyError(key)`.os.environ['PYTHON_HOME']exceptKeyError:print('Please define the environment variable PYTHON_HOME') ...
Check if your %MAVEN_HOME%\bin is correctly added to the mentioned ‘path’ system variable. If not, add it and again run the command and check. 2. Possible Error 2 The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly. This environment variable is needed to run this program. ...