How to "re-assign" a character string to an existing char array? How to add "KeyDown Event in clr based C++ application" in my form? How to add a static library (.lib) to Visual Studio ? How to allocate dynamic memory for a 2d string.. How to append strings of Type TCHAR and...
How to: Add or Remove References in Visual Studio (Visual Basic) How to: Add and Remove References in Visual Studio (C#) How to: Set the Reference Path (C#) How to: Add or Remove Imported Namespaces (Visual Basic) How to: Remove Unused References (Visual Basic) How to: Set the Copy...
Visual Studio SDK Installing the Visual Studio SDK Starting to Develop Visual Studio Extensions What's New in the Visual Studio 2015 SDK Migrate Extensibility Projects to Visual Studio 2015 FAQ - Converting Add-ins to VSPackage Extensions
C / C++ Timer interrupts (Visual Studio) c code to open float from text file C program not linking to CRT calls memset() for unknown reasons C/C++ : converting std::string to const char* I get the error : left of '.c_str' must have class/struct/union type is 'char *' C# to ...
Adding Projects to a Solution in Visual Studio You can add either a new project or an existing project to a solution. To add a new project to a solution In Solution Explorer, select the solution or the solution folder that you want to add a project to. ...
to explain what to do. (In case you’re looking for the short answer, almost always, the correct thing to do to distribute the Visual C++ libraries is to add the Visual C++ redistributable MSMs, or “Merge Modules”, for the libraries you use to your application’s setup.) I...
I find that this is a little more convenient for the different build configurations, and also lets me move the potentially machine dependent location of libraries/library search directories to machine dependent things like environment variables and "central" visual studio/ifor...
1. Setup Visual Studio 2008 2. Setup DDK (WDK) 3. Add to VS pathes to DDK include files, libs and bins. 4. Create new empty "Win32 project" and add source file (i.e. HelloWorld.c). 5. Configure project properties (All Configurations) ...
Recently, I’ve updated over 30 of my extensions to support Visual Studio 2019 (16.0). To make sure they work, I got my hands on a very early internal build of VS 2019 to test with (working on the Visual Studio team has its benefits). This upgrade process is one of the easiest ...
In the process Kieran wound up showing us how to add a new build action to the following drop-down in Visual Studio:While it wasn’t what the WinFx team needed, I thought it was pretty darn cool so I figured I’d share it with everyone. Even better, it’s incredibly easy and done...