MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: Could be because each call to plot() creates 2 lines. Check it out: plot(magic(2),'b','DisplayName','Magic'); legend() You can avoid this by returning the line objects from plot() and making the legend based on only the first one from each...
However, I have already made the plot and there is already a legend in the plot. I can not run the plot code again beacuse I have many plots to recreate. Is there any way that I can chang the legend within the plot itself by using propery inspector, plot browser, etc so that I ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: Hi folks, I have a simple boxplot and I can't figure out how to make a legend like the one shown in the photograph below. Ideally, the symbols and line specs would all match the associated text. Perhaps doi...
Sign in to comment. Sign in to answer this question.Answers (1) Shreyansh Mehra on 7 Nov 2022 Vote 0 Link Hello, The documentation linked below explains how to add legends to a graph and might be of help.
Add a Legend to the 2D Scatter Plot in Matplotlib importnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt x=[1,2,3,4,5]y1=[i**2foriinx]y2=[2*i+1foriinx]plt.scatter(x,y1,marker="x",color="r",label="x**2")plt.scatter(x,y2,marker="o",color="b",label="2*x+1")plt.legend()plt....
However, it’s worth noting that thelegend()function is designed to add a single legend to a plot. Attempting to add more than one legend using this function will result in a MATLAB error. In order to overcome this limitation and add custom legends that aren’t directly related to the gr...
%Add a legend legend('f(x) = sin(x)','g(x) = cos(x)'); %Display the grid grid on; The code first defines the x-values usinglinspace()to create a range of values from -5 to 5 with 100 points. The y-values for two functions,f(x) = sin(x)andg(x) = cos(x), are th...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi have a figure with two subplots. The data for the legend comes from the top subplot. There is some empty space on the bottom subplot. When I drag the legend to the bottom subplot is disappears behind the plot. ...
However, when I do this it doesnt give me 5 legends. It only gives me one legend for one plot: I want it to read: (Line 1) A = 0 (Line 2) A = 4 (Line 3) A = 8 How to Get Best Site Performance Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best ...
Hello. Basically this is what I am trying to do: for r=1:0.001:4 y=somefunction(r); plot(x,y) legend('r=',r) pause(0.01) end It should...