Add Empty Blank Row To JQuery DataTables add footer on every printed page using javascript add Image to a div using Javascript add items to a dropdown list using javascript Add javascript confirm to delete button Add option group in javascript Add padding to </hr> Add Space Between Buttons I...
However, there is another use of the en-dash that many people aren’t aware of, and that’s forming a connection between words. This use is, in fact, similar to how we might use a hyphen to form compound words and adjectives, but there’s a twist here: we use the en-dash to con...
Learn what "Deceptive site ahead" and "The site ahead contains malware" really mean and how to fix it when you come across the warnings.
Press shift + the hyphen key to create an underscore, and then hold it until you have a line of the length you want If you need the line to stretch across the width of the page, press the hyphen key three times and then press enter Click on the “Borders” icon and choose “Horizon...
Like caesar_cipher(), vigenere_cipher() iterates over each letter of the input text to encrypt or decrypt it: Python for i, char in enumerate(text): current_key = key[i % len(key)] In the above code, you can see the function’s first use of the modulo operator: Python curren...
—a book, and as you write, you think, “I need one of those long dash, double hyphen things. What are those things called, again? And how do I make sure I use it correctly so I don't look like an idiot?” Let's look at what an em dash is and how to use one correctly....
add checkbox to PDF using iTextSharper add css attribute data-toggle=dropdown from code behind Add custom request header into a webrequest add DOT (.) in the Regular Expression Validation Add Drag and Drop to ASP.NET FileUpload Control Add fake user groups for testing to Active Directory in...
The first step is to find all the abbreviations in your document. To do this: Go toHome>Editing>Find>Advanced Find In theFind what…field, add “[A-Z,0-9]{2,}” (minus the quote marks). Click theMore > >button and selectUse wildcards. ...
Some would argue it's easiest just to hit the period three times, and that works too. If you do type the three periods in succession, make sure you don't add a single space between each one. When Ellipses Go Wrong There is sometimes confusion over ellipsis, especially when it's dropped...
My question is, How old is the now standard practice of hyphenating compound adjectives (i.e., phrases used as adjectives to modify nouns directly following)? It is easy to find affirmations of this practice as a rule, but I have not succeeded in tracking down its history and a...