We’ll cover the basics of how to add icons to your project, shorthand class names for different iconstyles, how to add icons to HTML, using icons aliases, and more! Before You Get Started Make sure you’ve: Set up Font Awesomein your project and know where you parked your tardis. ...
I thought that I would just go to https://fontawesome.com/, pick a (free) icon that I like, and insert the name of the icon in the “Icon name (from FontAwesome set)” box when I want to have an icon to a page in my menu. Please see attached. For example, fa-tags is this...
Here, you can edit the general settings for the plugin, like choosing whether it should use pro or free icons. Next, you can edit a post or page where you want to add an attachment link. Once you are in the content editor, you must enter the HTML code for the icon you want to ...
How to Change the Color or Background Color of FontAwesome Icon When You Have Two Icons With the Same CSS Variable? In this case, you need to use inline CSS where you add the CSS code with the icon code, not in the Additional CSS of the website. Using the CSS code allows you to ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> </head> <body> <i class="fa fa-gift"></i> </body> </html> Live DemoLarge Icon
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> </head> <body> <i class="fa fa-renren"></i> </body> </html> CopyLive DemoLarge Icon...
To use Font Awesome icons in React.js without npm and using className, follow these steps: download the Font Awesome CSS file from their website and link it in the HTML file's <head> section.Create the icon element using the <i> tag in your component's r
To add social media buttons to your sidebar, simply head toAppearance » Widgetsfrom your WordPress dashboard. Then, navigate to theWordPress widgetarea where you want to add the Social Icons widget. In our example, we will select ‘Sidebar,’ but the name may be different depending on the...
add( faCoffee, faCheckSquare, ); Using <FontAwesomeIcon/> The react-fontawesome package includes a <FontAwesomeIcon /> custom component explicitly created to use FA icons in React applications. The separate component approach can give you performance gains and minimize the overall bundle size....
In the past, using icon fonts was a bit complicated and required that the icon font files be self-hosted. However, thanks to CDN hosting sponsored by MaxCDN and Bootstrap, anyone can add Font Awesome icons to their website without having to host the font files on their own server. Full...