Delete Japanese Resolutions from Jira admin > Issues > Resolutions Select new resolution in wizard screenYou need to update all filters associated with deleted issue types. JRASERVER-30467 - Renaming a project or issuetype breaks filters saved with the old...
In-house team:You can choose to hire an in-house team to create a live streaming app for yourself. The advantage that you will get here is the quality of work. It is the best as everything will be done as per your preference. The drawback here will be the pricing. It will be rel...
Perform a search with the required filters to produce a list of issues; Select Tools > Bulk Change; Select the issues you'd like to perform the bulk operation on, and select Next; Select Delete Issues, and select Next; If available, decide whether you...
Add filters Filters on yourtimelineare a handy way to focus on specific issues. You can use them to only show issues that relate to product work, or highlight your team’s “keep the lights on” tasks. You can find filters at the top of yourtimeline: They only show once the field is... Choose the best view for your board Assignee filter: Display only issues containing a search term, or assigned to a specific person, and hide the rest. Other filters: Display only...
Confluence has the explocit edit button because the programmers understood our reading and authoring are so different, usually 2 completely different users in different roles. Another issue pops up when we are planning the subtasks for a story... we started using expand collapse because to set ...
foldersToSync, filters: source.filters || existing?.filters, lastSyncGMT: resetLastSync ? '1970-01-01' : undefined, }; const req = existing ? this.http.patch<void>(`${this._syncServer.getValue()}/sync/${sourceId}`, data, { updateSync(syncId: string, sync: Partial<ISyncEntity>, ...
Out of the box, there is no search vertical that automatically filters out other content and displays page content only. So we have to create it. To do so, follow the instructions for Verticals creation in this article. Add the following KQL query in the Query section: filetyp...
Your employees shouldn’t have to wrestle with a KB to find the right resource, even if it’s a complex repository. Make sure your search engine is robust and users can use keywords, tags, and metadata to improve search results. Advanced search features like filters and autocomplete can enha...
Admins are able to add a Confluence shortcut to a Jira project. Navigate to the Confluence page you’d like to link to Jira—this is probably your space overview page Copy the page URL by selecting share In your Jira project of choice, selectAdd shortcutin the left sidebar, and select...