How to add references to your Overleaf project using Papers After linking Papers to your Overleaf account, you can add references to your project in two ways. You can import reference collections from your Papers libraries. This process creates aread-only.bibfile in your Overleaf project, which...
After linking Zotero to your Overleaf account, you can add references to your project in two ways. You can import Zotero’s My Library or individual Group Libraries to create aread-only(non-editable).bibfile which can be synched with your Zotero account. If you update reference data in Zote...
This is the fifth video in a series of 21 byDr Vincent Knightof Cardiff University; it shows how to include tables in your LaTeX documents using thetabluarenvironment. Through a short example you'll see how to include rows and columns with horizontal and vertical dividers, and with different...
To include a figure within an Overleaf document you first have toupload it to your project. Assuming you have loaded thegraphicxpackage into your document preamble: \usepackage{graphicx} you specify the (typeset) size of the image using thescale=...option of the\includegraphicscommand: ...
this video, Vince shows how to quickly write out matrices in LaTeX, using theamsmathpackage and the\pmatrix(for a matrix with curly brackets),\matrix(for a matrix with no brackets), and\vmatrix(used to denote the determinant of a matrix) commands. Here's the code for the final example...
This is the sixth video in a series of 21 byDr Vincent Knightof Cardiff University. This short tutorial shows how to add an image file (png, jpg, pdf) to your LaTeX document, how to display it using the\includegraphicscommand, and how to adjust the width and positioning. ...
You can upload a .bib file via the files menu, and then it should all work as normal - see theLaTeX Wikibookfor more detailed information on bibliographies in LaTeX. As an example, if you're using the natbib package, the relevant commands would look like: ...
I would like to know if there is any way to prevent Overleaf from ignoring the errors that do appear when compiling on the desktop. For example, the following template code runs perfectly on Overleaf, but in TeXMaker (I'm using MikTeX), there are errors related to thedeclaretheoremcode li...
This is the 12th video in a series of 21 byDr Vincent Knightof Cardiff University. In LaTeX we can label equations for easy reference within the article. Here we see how to create an equation using the\begin{equation}and\end{equation}commands. This equation is automatically numbered, and by...
2) put it in a work folder (e.g. upload to Overleaf) and add this MWE Reader.tex file \documentclass[]{standalone} \usepackage{graphicx,animate} % for \animategraphics \begin{document} % \noindent\animategraphics[scale=0.9...