Select the group of rows you want to collapse. Go to the Data tab and click Hide Details. Step 2 – Expand Rows in Excel 2.1. Clicking The Plus Button to Expand Rows Steps When you collapse a group of rows, a Plus (+) sign is displayed. Click Plus (+) to expand rows. Read More...
Expand or collapse all fields using shortcuts If you prefer using shortcuts for Excel tasks, here are two sets of keyboard shortcuts that can quickly expand or collapse all fields in a PivotTable. Select the group name you want to operate, then use the below shortcutsExpand fields: Alt +...
In Microsoft Excel it is possible to group rows and columns. To expand or collapse a group you can use the VBA method called ShowLevels. In the example below we are expanding a row group. We have also disabled automatic recalculation to improve the performance. ' Show Level Public Sub Show...
In this short tutorial, you will learn what the Excel formula bar is, how to restore a missing formula bar in different versions of Excel, and how to expand the formula bar so that a long formula can fit into it entirely. On this blog, we have lots of tutorials discussing various aspec...
If you click it, the dataset will collapse and a plus sign will be displayed. To expand the dataset, click the plus sign. Method 2 – Expanding and Collapsing Multi-Level Rows in Excel Steps: Select 2 items in March. In the Data tab, choose Outline. Select Group. A minus sign is ...
Collapse the rows with an alternative method: You may also notice that after step 2, numbered boxes appeared in the top-left of the spreadsheet above your bold line. You can click between these boxes to collapse or expand the rows.Related: How to highlight excel skills on your CV ...
3 ways to add filter in Excel On theDatatab, in theSort & Filtergroup, click theFilterbutton. On theHometab, in theEditinggroup, clickSort & Filter>Filter. Use the Excel Filter shortcut to turn the filters on/off:Ctrl+Shift+L
What version of Excel are you using? With Excel for MS365, the easiest way to repeat a value x number of times is to use the IF/SEQUENCE method. For example, if the name is in cellA2and the number of tickets (5) is in cell, then the following formul...
By adding an outline in Microsoft Excel, one can easily collapse groups of data into that outline to condense large amounts of data. Review how outlines work in Excel worksheets, and explore an explanation of hierarchy, level buttons, and expand and collapse controls. ...
Step 1.Choose the row(s) or column(s) you want to hide. Step 2.Click the plus sign (+) button located on the top bar. Click the plus sign (+) Step 3.Instantly, your chosen rows or columns will collapse under the plus sign. ...