How to give annotations to a SolidWorks drawing? To add annotations to your drawing views follow these steps: To communicate design details, such as dimensions, select the ‘Smart Dimension’ command from the Annotation tab. Choose an edge you want to dimension and place the dimension by clickin...
Perhaps there are times when you want to add a watermark to your SOLIDWORKS Drawing. Let’s say you want to have a “CONFIDENTIAL” stamp on your drawing. When you add a note to your drawing view you may notice that the note covers the drawing lines and dimensions as shown in the figu...
Before designing any solid products, first you need a basic drawing. The sketch toolbars or sketch command manager provides sketch tools such as line, rectangle, arc, polygon, ellipse, circle, slot, trim etc helps to create basic two dimensions drawing of the design. It also helps to create...
a drawing's general tolerances. Use bilateral tolerances when you can for linear dimensions. Unilateral tolerances and limit dimensions can help call out critical fit dimensions and tight toleranced features in your drawing; however, avoid using them unnecessarily to keep the drawing clear and ...
A pencil (using an engineering drawing) To do (optional):Create a presentation (Powerpoint/Google Slides) and title it “Projects Portfolio”. There, add 3 slides, one for each designed item, with pictures and a short description of the Solidworks skills employed to during the design process....
In complicated drawings where there are many details to represent, you may want to label specific SOLIDWORKS coordinate points in your drawing views. If only a few labels are required then two dimensions can be used, one for horizontal and the other for vertical distance. Alternatively, Chain or...
Starting with the suitability to create specific product geometry, solid or surface modelers like SolidWorks and Rhinoceros are great at geometric shapes and smooth, tightly controlled surfaces. They will let the designer numerically define all feature dimensions. Polygonal or mesh modelers offer some pa...
3. Open SOLIDWORKS and select MODEL1.SLDDRW, then click on References. 4. Verify that the reference of Drawing 1 refers to MODEL1. Double-click MODEL1.SLDRT and select MODEL2.SLDPRT to replace the reference Click OK and Open. Delete any dangling dimensions and click OK. ...
16) Click the green check mark in the dialog box. You’ll see that the new length is calculated from the existing dimensions (length 18 mm in my drawing). The endpoint is another point on the involute; and by changing the value of the arc, you can get ALL POINTS on the top half...
Dimensions are associative to their matching geometry if you use object snaps to the geometry when you place them. While you’re at it, perhaps you can use VIEWDETAIL to create a detail view at a different scale.When you submit a drawing to you...