According to the logic of Moodle, you can’t create a lesson without creating anew Moodle coursefirst. Tocreate a new online course, go toMoodle Site Administration → Log in with your administrator account →ClickSite administration →Click theCoursestab→ClickAdd a new course. Enter full and ...
To use an LMS effectively, the content you upload must be displayable in a web browser. So, before your course becomes a SCORM package, you need to break it down into a series of HTML pages, like you would for a website. You’ll also need to link every text and media file so they...
In this Moodle 2.3 tutorial, we’re going to show you how to add the Activity Quiz Module to add a new quiz to a Moodle course. There are many options available when configuring a quiz, which will help you accurately gauge how well your students are learning. The quiz module allows the...
If you would like to create another course, click+ Add New Coursein the top right corner of the screen. To access another course, click on the name of the current course, and a drop-down menu will appear with the other courses.
When your import is complete, the status displays as Completed [1]. View imported content by accessing any link in Course Navigation. A Completed status shown in orange [2] indicate the import contains errors. To view the specific error(s), click theissueslink [3]. Examples of ...
Secure online distribution of course content & Moodle courseware Here in the post Covid Restriction Era (pCRE) massive changes are taking place to protect training materials which were previously handled in printed form. They were in printed form because it was practice to distribute them before or...
The main objective of an LMS is the teaching and training of the students and employees. This feature is a must-to-have in an LMS because it helps the teacher/trainer to design courses and create content for students/employees. May it be a course, quiz, assignment, or assessment test, ...
This can be done by accessing the HTML editor of your website’s content management system (CMS) and pasting the embed code in the desired location. For platforms like WordPress, you can simply add the code to a post, page, or widget. Customizing the Video Player Many live streaming ...
Disk Space: 200MB for the Moodle code, plus as much as you need to store content. 5GB is probably a realistic minimum. Processor: 1 GHz (min), 2 GHz dual-core or more recommended. Memory: 512MB (min), 1GB or more is recommended. 8GB plus is likely on a large production server. ...
Edit mode is used to make changes to your course content. (Image credit: Hostinger) Step 7: Add users Moodle offers many ways learners can join your site and participate in courses. You may prefer to allow anyone to sign up and self-assign themselves to courses or only allow new users ...