{ console.log(error); } }) } return apiResponse.result; },function(response) { return { "id":"", "body":"", "status":"", "wb":"" }; }); }; /** * @function setDefaultLang * @param {string} code - Language code * @description Changes the user default language...
I know with PS2 and FFXI there were memory limitations and things like that- and because one console is burdened by these limitations, the other clients had to adhere to those. Have there been any steps taken so that the PS3 hardware won’t hold back other clients? Yoshida- To be ...
Part 1. How to Manually Change DVD Region on DVD Player, Windows, Mac, or PS4? Although it is not possible to kill region codes on DVD players and other hardware, you can modify the region code of the DVD player or drive to match the code on the DVD; if not, you'll receive ...