如果您要將參考加入內含內部資訊清單的已註冊 COM DLL,請確定已先移除註冊 DLL。 如果不這麼做,Visual Studio 會將組件參考新增成 ActiveX 元件,而不是原生 DLL。 您也可使用 [加入 Web 參考] 對話方塊以加入 Web 參考。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:加入和移除 Web 參考。
如果您要將參考加入內含內部資訊清單的已註冊 COM DLL,請確定已先移除註冊 DLL。 如果不這麼做,Visual Studio 會將組件參考新增成 ActiveX 元件,而不是原生 DLL。 您也可使用 [加入 Web 參考] 對話方塊以加入 Web 參考。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:加入和移除 Web 參考。
Visual Studio 使用專案設計工具管理專案屬性 管理參考 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 發行項 2008/08/21 更新:2007 年 11 月 [加入參考] 對話方塊可用於加入或刪除專案參考。這個對話方塊可以從 [專案] 功能表中存取。如需詳細資訊,請參閱加入參考對話方塊...
您可以使用選單命令或鍵盤快捷方式,將選取的文字大小寫轉換成所有大寫或全部小寫。 備註 您看到的對話框和功能表命令可能與本文所述的對話框和功能表命令不同,這些命令是以一般環境設定為基礎。 若要變更您的環境設定,請選擇 [[工具]>[匯入和匯出設定],然後選擇 [[重設所有設定]。 變更...
How to: Add or Remove References in Visual Studio (Visual Basic) How to: Add and Remove References in Visual Studio (C#) How to: Set the Reference Path (C#) How to: Add or Remove Imported Namespaces (Visual Basic) How to: Remove Unused References (Visual Basic) How to: Set the Copy...
Project references are updated automatically when the project builds, whereas assembly references need to be statically updated by the user.备注 In Visual Web Developer Express Edition, you can have multiple Web site projects in the same solution, but you cannot add client projects to a solution....
Add a comment 3 Answers Sorted by: 15 So, it turns out Microsoft uses "Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C" statement synonymously to "Ctrl+K+C". It took me a while to figure that out.Finally, I just changed the entire keyboard shortcuts set to Visual Studio Code. For that go to ...
<Prerequisite Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor" Version="[15.0,16.0)" DisplayName="Visual Studio core editor" /> </Prerequisites> We must update the version ranges to have the same upper bound as before, but in this case we can make the upper bound open ended, like so: ...
First, add a reference to the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.dll, Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentModelHost.dll and PresentationCore.dll assemblies. then add the following using statements to your PasteAsCommentCommand.cs file: using System; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Globa...
This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, seeVisual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio.Download it here If you have authored several MSBuild project files, you might have discovered that...