Now we are changing the column name “first_name” to “name” How to drop the Table? Here we can drop or delete the table from the system. When you will drop/delete the table from the hive database, the table entry will delete it from the hive metastore. If it is an internal tab...
How to add a column in the middle of a ORC partitioned hive table and still be able to query old partitioned files with new structure ? Labels: Apache Hive harsha86886 New Contributor Created 02-18-2018 06:26 PM Currently I have a Partitioned ORC "Managed" (Wro...
Apache Hive m_okulik Contributor Created 07-24-2018 09:33 PM I am trying to figure out how to query table and column comments (descriptions) in HIVE Metastore. If there is a way to add the comments to HIVE tables/columns, shouldn't be a way to query/report on the com...
The syntax to create an external table in Hive is: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [table_name] ( [column_name_1] [column_datatype_1], [column_name_2] [column_datatype_2] ... [column_name_n] [column_datatype_n] ) ROW FORMAT [format_type] FIELDS TERMINATED BY '[delimiter]' STORED AS [f...
Step 3: Create a Table in Hive A database does not contain any tables after creation. To create a table, use the following reference: CREATE TABLE [table_name] ( [column_1] [type], [column_2] [type], ... [column_n] [type] ...
Add column to text file Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD group Add computers to domain in bulk / mass Add Computers to Security Group Based on OU Add current date to email subject line Add custom AD attribute to user depending on parent...
The referenced values you want to add will be displayed on the Customers sheet. Highlight the rows you want to insert and click the Update Rows button. As each row is inserted, the Id value will appear in the Id column and the row's text will change to black, indicating that the ...
Hive provides a library of built-in functions to achieve the most common needs. The cool thing is that it also provides the framework to create your own UDF. I had a recent need to extract a string from a column if the string matches a Java RegEx pattern. For those of us coming from...
Hive provides a library of built-in functions to achieve the most common needs. The cool thing is that it also provides the framework to create your own UDF. I had a recent need to extract a string from a column if the string matches a Java RegEx pattern. For those of us coming from...
Here’s how to set up recurring actions in Hive. 3 Steps to set up recurring actions Step One: Create an action by clicking the blue ‘+New’ button and select ‘Action’ Step Two: Within the action card, click ‘Add date’ in the right-hand column Step Three: Click ‘Set recurring...