Step 4. Add ng bootstrap. Once the bootstrap is installed, add the ng-bootstrap. Below is the command to add ng-bootstrap. Here, we are using ng add instead of npm i. because it will install ng-bootstrap for the default application specified in your angular.json. If you have multip...
The proper way yo use it: npm i open-iconic $icon-font-path: '~open-iconic/font/fonts/'; @import "~open-iconic/font/css/open-iconic-bootstrap.scss"; the explanation: (i've also posted an answer in Stack overflow)
Step 1: Add ngx-translate to your Angular Application Enter the following line in the terminal: npm install @ngx-translate/core @ngx-translate/http-loader @colsen1991/ngx-translate-extract-marker The @ngx-translate/core contains the core routines for the translation: The TranslateService, the Tra...
Getting a "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" Angular 6 RouterLink to open modal popup from the ngOnInit function Angular Bootstrap model popup databinding or passing in selected row data to be displayed for user edit Angular Mat-Table adding ...
This can be done in a variety of ways, all dependent on what the developer is using for UI support. For example, it’s common when using the Bootstrap CSS framework to flag the form field as requiring attention by coloring it (or some portion of it) red. Alternative...
Services, on the other hand, are more like low-level libraries that typically provide access to underlying functionality that shouldn’t be a part of the component itself. In an Angular approach, usually making any sort of HTTP API call (such as to the Node/Express/Mongo...
and automatic code corrector all in one. Using GTS will help you to quickly bootstrap a new TypeScript project and avoid focusing on small, organizational details to focus on designing your project. GTS also offers opinionated default configuration. This means that you won’t have to do much ...
How can I add "node_modules" path to the Sass files?sabbirrahman commented Jun 24, 2016 I use less and import files from node_modules like this. @import "~bootstrap/less/variables"; I guess it will work for you the same way too. Give it a try. @import "~bourbon"; 👍 219 ...
Query 1. == How to position the title in content tag xaml page in the center and bold font to not bold? Simply How I can set style to the TITLE of xaml page of xamarin froms. All replies (5) Friday, June 1, 2018 5:49 AM I think you can't style the contentpage "title"...