This section will discuss how you can start building a Flutter application’s backend. The Back4app platform is a great option for building scalable and secure backend applications that are flexible and easy to deploy. Back4app Overview Back4App is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that...
In this example, we are going to show the way to disable and enable programmatically buttons like Elevated, Outline, IconButton in Flutter Apps. See the example below to disable enable buttons in Flutter. How to Disable Buttons in Flutter: You need to pass null to onPressed parameter of ...
How to style an ElevatedButton in Flutter, including reusing the same style across all buttons with ThemeData.
Flutteris an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Using the Dart programming language, Flutter provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets and tools, enabling th...
Flutter pushes declarative UI to its limit in this case. Enable and disable the state of a button resulting from the present of onPressed callback.If the onPressed callback is null, Flutter treat the button as no action hence showing the button in a disabled state.If the onPressed is there...
I want to push a FlutterViewController in my exsiting iOS project , and add a back button on the top of the flutterViewController ,when I click the back button ,I want to pop back to the iOS navtive viewcontroller , how?Hixie added d: website - content d: api docs a: existing-...
///Add the annotation in a PDF document.Widget_addAnnotation(String? annotationType, String? selectedText) { return Container( height:30, width:100, child: RawMaterialButton( onPressed: () async {_checkAndCloseContextMenu(); await Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text:...
I am using Experimental:-Add-Flutter-Activity to add a Flutter Activity with my native android app, but some plugin are not work. I found that I didn't register plugins at all, Can anyone tell me how to do it at import io.flutter.embedding....
Then, go back to the General tab and modify the Bundle Identifier to something unique. Connect to an external device and then press the Play button. Press the play button on the left menu bar, which will initiate building the app on the iPhone. Then your app is successfully constructed and...