this.audioContext = new AudioContext(); // is a reference to the HTML5 audio element let src = this.audioContext.createMediaElementSource(; this.analyser = this.audioContext.createAnalyser(); src.connect(this.analyser); this.analyser.connect(this.audioCont...
using an iframe tag to embed PDFs was used for other HTML pages, and the<object>tag was for system applications to take over the rendering. These days, browsers no longer allow this type of plugin for security reasons.
Add a comment 47 Answers Sorted by: 1 2 Next 2570 That would have to be: db.users.find({"name": /.*m.*/}) Or, similar: db.users.find({"name": /m/}) You're looking for something that contains "m" somewhere (SQL's '%' operator is equivalent to regular expressions' ...
ThecreateElementfunction uses theinnerHTMLAPI to add changed nodes in the browser's original DOM. HTML5 specifications state that<script>tags are not executed if they are inserted withinnerHTML.MDN Web Docshave explained the security reasons behind this. As a result, the execution of the<script>...
audio) { const audio = convertBase64ToAudio(; playAudio(audio); } return addMessage(MessageType.Bot, response.answer); } } The function will create a new HTMLDivElement for the new message and add the CSS class based on the type of the message. Once that is done, we...
// If 'ffmpeg' isn't in your path, specify the full path to the ffmpeg binary. const ffmpeg = child_process.spawn('ffmpeg', [ // Facebook requires an audio track, so we create a silent one here. // Remove this line, as well as `-shortest`, if you send audio from the browser...
CSS selectors allow you to select elements by type, attribute, and position in the HTML document. This tutorial describes three new options :is() ,...
An HDMI 2.0 port that supports HDCP 2.2 or later (your TV, media player, audio/video receiver, cables, adapters, and any other connected devices) CBS Live Streaming Areas If you live in an area with a CBS affiliate or CBS-owned TV station, you can stream live TV through Paramount Plus...
Themediatypeshould be aMIME type string, which indicates the type of data you want to embed. For example, to embed an image, you should useimage/jpeg. And to embed an MP3 audio file, you should useaudio/mpeg. A list of common MIME types is available onMDN. ...
In Sketch, plugins are a way to add features and functionality that aren’t present in Sketch “out of the box.” Considering that there’s almost always going to be some missing feature or integration in any given program (especially given the vast number of needs any individual designer mi...