Html.DropDownList("Design_ID",null,"Select Designation", htmlAttributes:new{ @class="form-control", @id ="select2-1", aria_label ="My aria label"
If the text area has a visible description indicating the purpose of the area, this description should be explicitly associated to the text area either as a HTML label or using the WAI-ARIA attribute aria-labelled by. If it is not possible to add a visible description, either add...
how to add aria-describedby tag in MVC Rozar How to add company logo with company name to mvc web this way? How to add condition in orderby of LINQ? How to add custom attribute for html helper How to add datepicker to EditorFor field in mvc 5 How to Add Extra Columns in ...
In the popup, type in ‘Search.’ When the right block appears, click to add it to the page. By default, the block uses ‘Search’ for both its label and the button text. This text will be visible to visitors, so you may want to replace it with something more descriptive...
In ItemDetail.js, add a function to ui.Pages.define that returns an array of HTML elements to animate. JavaScript Copy getAnimationElements: function () { return [[this.element.querySelector("header")], [this.element.querySelector(".content")]]; }, In Navigator.js, add a function ...
When you use links effectively,visitors will spend more time on your site. They’ll discover more content, purchase more products from youronline store, and bemore likely to subscribe to youremail newsletter. That being said, let’s take a look at how to add links in different areas of yo...
Add a label to the button: Adding a label to the button will help users who rely on assistive technology understand the purpose of the button. We can do this by wrapping the button text in a <span> element and adding an aria-label attribute to the button. Increase contrast: To improve...
While searching in web I found, that if we specifyaria-label="something"property on HTML element, it will be parsed by accessibility framework aslabel. So we can use labels for locating elements. However in ideal scenario we should have some HTML property that will be parsed toidentifier, as...
This example is from split.html in the Split template.HTML نسخ <div class="itemlist win-selectionstylefilled" aria-label="List of this group's items" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView" data-win-options="{ layout: {type: WinJS.UI.ListLayout}, currentItem: {type: WinJS.UI...
<label class="field__label" for="ContactForm-name">{{ '' | t }}<span aria-hidden="true"> *</span></label></div> 2) This Is Contact Field : <div class="field"><input type="tel" required id="ContactForm-phone" class="field__input" autocomplete="te...