Read More: How to Space out Cells in ExcelMethod 3 – Add Blank Spaces Between Two Text Values Using the CONCATENATE Function in ExcelStep 1:Enter the following formula in cell D5.=CONCATENATE(B5, " ", C5)Formula Breakdown: The CONCATENATE formula takes 3 arguments. The first is the ...
When you combine two values in a single cell, it is usually required to add a space between those values. Even sometimes, you need to add more than one space. This tutorial will help you write a formula to add space or multiple spaces in Excel. Add a Single Space First, enter (=) ...
Method 1 – Use Ampersand(&) Symbol to Concatenate with Space The simplest way to concatenate all the names into a single cell and add space between each name is to use theAmpersand (&)symbol. Here is how to do it. Steps: Select a cell (i.e.,E5) first. Apply the following formula...
Concatenate multiple cells and add space or other delimiters between words with Kutools for Excel If there are multiple cells needed to be concatenated, the above formulas will be somewhat complex, here, I can introduce you a powerful tool- Kutools for Excel, with its Combine Rows, Columns or ...
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, we can concatenate a space character using the & operator as follows: =A1 & " " & A2 Result: " website" In this example, we have used the & operator to add a space character between the values in cell A1 and cell A2. This wil...
1. Type “=con” in the target cell and choose if you want to use the CONCAT or the CONCATENATE function. Double-click on the chosen function. 2. Type the argument as the text you want to add in inverted commas (“”) and choose the cell you wish to add after it. ...
Here are the 5 easiest methods to concatenate a range of cells into a single cell which you can use in different situations.
1. How to extract numbers from a cell value The following array formula, demonstrated in cell C3, extracts all numbers from a cell value: =TEXTJOIN(, 1, TEXT(MID(B3, ROW($A$1:INDEX($A$1:$A$1000, LEN(B3))), 1), "#;-#;0;")) To enter an array formula, type the formula ...
How to use a formula to add a comma at the end of a cell/text ? In Excel, you can use a formula to add a comma at the end of a cell or text value. This technique is useful when you need to modify or concatenate data while ensuring consistency and proper formatting. Follow thes...
If you want to combine your words using an ampersand and add a space between them, use the formula=CONCATENATE(A3, ” & “, A7). In the photo above, you will see that the texts are joined with an ampersand and a space between them. ...