1、启动ArcMap,加载一个要修改的shapefile,在目录表(TOC)中右键单击shapefile文件,从环境菜单中选择Properties。 2、在Layer Properties对话框中,单击Fields标签。属性表中的每一个字段都列在这里,并且显示了数据类型和特性。单击OK,关闭Layer Properties对话框。 3、要增加字段,在目录表中单击shapefile,从环境菜单中选...
The instructions provided describe how to convert a 2D shapefile to a 3D shapefile using the 3D Analyst extension in ArcMap. Depending on the version of ArcMap, the workflow is different. Thus, follow the steps below that coincide with the version of ArcMap installed on the computer. Procedur...
To convert a 3D shapefile to a 2D shapefile, follow the steps below: Add the 3D shapefile into ArcMap. Create a new 2D shapefile using theCreate Feature Classtool. OpenArcToolboxand navigate toData Management Tools>Feature Class>Create Feature Class. Specify theFeature Class LocationandFeature ...
To bring your ArcMap, ArcGlobe, and Scenes into ArcGIS Pro, justclick Import Map on the Insert tab. You can also drag and drop the map documents from the ArcMap Catalog window to the ArcGIS Pro Catalog pane or Catalog view. When you import a map document (. mxd), each data frame i...
Click Add in this window to add selected online content to ArcMap. Takedown requestView complete answer on desktop.arcgis.com How do I create a map database? Creating a Map Database Define a Map Layer. Define a Map Project. Define a Flat Imagery Project. ...
1.You will need to publish a feature layer with Point or Multipatch data. This can be done by uploading a zipped gdb or shapefile. You can also publish this layer type from ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap. 2. On the item details for the feature layer click on the publish button and click on ...
The resulting raster should be 'clipped' to the shapes of chosen layer.The resulting raster is by default symbolized with classes in ArcMap. When you add it again from Catalog window it's symbolized with Streched renderer. To control the rendering of a raster go to Symbology tab of Rast...
Once you have AGOL credentials, it's time to share your data. Typically, 'data owners' are the people who collected the data, and possibly compiled and/ or analyzed it to develop the 'content' that they desire to share. If the data were developed in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, perhaps the...
3) In ArcGIS for Desktop, create a new feature class or use one you already have, and share it to ArcGIS Online. To get your feature data into ArcGIS Online you can upload the feature class file(s), or publish it from ArcMap. You can upload a shapefile to upload one feature class,...
shutdown, reboot, start a new project, add only the data you want to buffer,... not a geodatabase with everything under the sun...only the data even if you need to export the layer to a shapefile... In the environments tab of the buffer tool, set the extent to that of the lay...