For the changes to be visible, refresh the JupyterHub homepage and you should see “Bash” in the “Notebook” section of JupyterHub. Click on it to create a Bash Jupyter Notebook. A new Jupyter Notebook should be created and the Bash kernel should be selected for the notebook. You can...
I simply want to load an LLM model using CUDA on a free GPU. I've installed transformers, accelerate, huggingface_hub, bitsandbytes etc. and they have been installed in the local path. When I use '!pip list' in my Jupyter Notebook, all the modules are listed properly, bu...
Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 0 I believe is an issue with VSCode and not with your Docker container, I got it running by adding a couple extensions to resolve the kernel resolution. Can you try adding these extensions to your devcontainer.json file? "ms-toolsai.jup...
Sharing the same Jupyter kernel across notebooks is possible and useful in VSCode. When your notebooks grow very long, it becomes impossible to do analysis on the go - It is difficult to find the code I need from a week ago on the one hand, and impractical to relo...
A complete guide to choosing the right Python distribution, the right Python IDE, and the right supporting tools to jumpstart your Python programming.
Running a Simple Program in Python Now that You have Python and Jupyter Notebook up and running, You can continue to write our first Python program, Hello Learners! as an example Simply launch the Jupyter Notebook kernel and in the code line type print “Hello Learners!” Then click on Ru...
You can also use two consecutive spaces to add a new line in a Jupyter Notebook markdown cell. Note that 1 space won't work, you have to add 2 spaces for them to be treated as a newline character. bobby␣␣
You can use the Jupyterlab file browser to navigate to the navo_workshop then content directory, then either the reference_notebooks or use_case_notebooks subdirectories that contain the notebooks.Note that each time a notebook is opened for the first time, the kernel needs to be switched to...
Next, you can select a kernel. This is a code engine responsible for executing code that will be in the document. Select a kernel by clicking the top-right corner button of your window. Now you can run code using Jupyter Notebook without any issues. To run code, simply highlight the ...
In just a few steps, you can start running the getting started guides for Semantic Kernel in either C# or Python. After completing the guides, you'll know how to...Configure your local machine to run Semantic Kernel Run AI prompts from the kernel Make AI prompts dynamic with variables ...