It's unclear how ENA expects hyphenated first names to be turned into initials, the EMBL flatfile specs do not cover this edge case. We should ask ENA what they'd like us to do. Hyphenated initials exist in Genbank, so maybe ENA already supports this, it might just be missing from th...
Take half of your spouse's hyphenated last name. You may also replace yourmiddle name with your maiden name(or last name at birth), alongside changing your last name. Or add a second name to your middle name. Consider our convenientonline name change kit, designed to save you time and e...
Never create a domain name with hyphens. Hyphens can be a sign of spam domains which you do not want to be associated with. Hyphenated domains are also prone to typos. If you choose a domain name with hyphens because the domain you want has already been taken, then your users will likel...
People are not used to remembering numbers or hyphens when they search the internet – don't try to make them. The only exceptions are large corporations that include a hyphen in their brand name. But even these companies willredirecttheir non-hyphenated domain to the hyphenated version. Bad E...
It's also important to remember that some names may have multiple or hyphenated last names. In these cases, you may need to create an additional column and use a formula to extract the second last name or the portion of the hyphenated last name that comes after the hyphen. ...
Add custom request header into a webrequest add DOT (.) in the Regular Expression Validation Add Drag and Drop to ASP.NET FileUpload Control Add fake user groups for testing to Active Directory in C# Add header to gridview with Templatefield Add hyperlink control to datagrid Add Labels into ...
Hyphenatedwords and othercompound nounsare multiple words working together as one. English grammar considers them a single noun, so you add a possessive apostrophe and ansonly to the final word in the group. mother-in-law’s visit ice cream’s cherry ...
Notice how the em dashes separate a phrase with a lot of other punctuation. Acommaalone wouldn't work, because it wouldn't be strong enough against the other pieces of punctuation. Em dash to the rescue! 2. To add an aside in place of or in addition to parentheses. ...
LNLast Name LNLight Novel LNLine Number LNLine to Neutral LNLike New LNLogarithm(Natural) LNLiaison LNLotus Notes LNLymph Node LNLaguna Niguel(California city) LNLightning Network LNLiquid Nitrogen LNLaan(Dutch: lane) LNLocal National LNLexisNexis(online legal research tool) ...
If your name is long or hyphenated, simplify it to make your email easier to read and type. Options might include: A little creativity goes a long way. If initials feel impersonal, consider combining them with your job title (a.t.designer@agency...