Activate Windows watermark bottom right of screen Active Directory Administrative Center not working properly ActiveX files stored on local profile AD Home Drive not getting mapped when connecting through VPN Add Clock On second screen add company watermark to desktop add delay time to the taskbar auto...
Navigate to: C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofileRight click and Paste the Desktop folder into the systemprofile folderRestart (not shut sown) your PC.Regards,Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff...
To open a new tab and have selenium switch to it, I used: driver.execute_script('''"", "_blank");''') sleep(1)# you can also try without it, just playing safedriver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[-1])# last opened tab handle# driver.switc...
i apologize in advance if anyone finds this to be noob question.I want to create a docker image of a static website The location/folder dir is as follows: HTML file: desktop/resume--CSS file: desktop/resume/css--Js file: desktop/resume/js--Jpeg file: desktop/resume...
Open a terminal window and check that you are able to ping both VMs using the following IP addresses: HOL9982_ovm_mgr: HOL9982_ovm_srv: Figure 2. Check that you can ping both VMs. Once both VMs are started and you have verified that you can ping them, do...
Should you choose to activate it, requests sent to websites using the CND through SiteGround will first pass through CloudFlare’s WAF and will be filtered there. Our AI will activate as soon as the request reaches our server. This could be beneficial for your website, as it will be ...
On Error Resume Next If strMsg = "IE_Quit" Then blnFlag = False objIE.Quit Else objIE.Document.Body.InnerText = strMsg If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear blnFlag = False Exit Sub End If objShell.AppActivate strIETitle End If End Sub Sub InitIE(strMsg) ' Subroutine to initialize ...
<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { window.PinIt = window.PinIt || { loaded:false }; if (window.PinIt.loaded) return; window.PinIt.loaded = true; function async_load(){ var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; ...
System-wide settings affect all users. If you want to limit custom settings to a specific user, create or edit thetmux.conffile in that user's home directory: sudo nano ~/.tmux.conf Change Activation Key By default,tmuxusesCTRL+bto activate functions. To change the default key binding to...
do not allow access to test APIs, if hidden API checks are enabled. Spoiler: MOUNT FULL EXTERNAL STORAGE, NO SANDBOX --no-isolated-storage don't use isolated storage sandbox and mount full external storage Spoiler: TURN OFF WINDOW ANIMATIONS --no-window-animation turn off window animations...