hi good day...yesterday i registered my bpi atm account in inernet then this morning i go to atm machine of bpi to activate my online inquiry,..when i log on in bpi site in internet the following details appear that... Thank you for enrolling in BPI Express Online however your account...
After you purchase your SSL, there are some essential things you need to do to make it work and to enable HTTPS on your website or device. These are:Activate the SSL in your Namecheap account Where do I get the CSR code and Private key? Complete DCV (Domain Control Validation) ...
After you purchase your SSL, there are some essential things you need to do to make it work and to enable HTTPS on your website or device. These are:Activate the SSL in your Namecheap account Where do I get the CSR code and Private key? Complete DCV (Domain Control Validation) C...
Go toPlugins>>Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it, and we finished installing the plugins. Install GeoDirectory plugin 3. GeoDirectory Install Wizard For GeoDirectory, you will need to complete the Setup Wizard to configure the Google Maps API key and import a few dum...
b) It is possible that your powerbank went into sleep mode. The powerbank will automatically cut-off the power and go into sleep mode when it detects possibility of over-charge/ over-discharge/ short-circuit. This is sometimes due to faulty cable issue. Please activate the ìsleepingî po...
wsh.AppActivate(Untitled−Notepad) wsh.SendKeys(hellofromPB) ThedeclarationfortheSleepAPIis [localexternalfunctiondeclaration] SUBROUTINESleep(LonglMilliSec)LIBRARYKernel32.dll NOTE:RecentversionofWSHhavetheirownSleepfunction. ThisoneiscallingtheWindowsCalculator oleobjectwsh longll_rc wsh=CREATEoleobject ll...
who can declare a disaster and activate IT DR operations. It should also include an outline and content stating the exact procedures to be followed during a disaster. At least 2-4 potential IT DR sites with hardware/software that meets or exceeds the current production environment...
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