Voice messages are still a great way to reach people, from friends and family to potential customers. Voicemail is simple to set up, and you can secure your messages with a voicemail PIN. Using your PIN, you can access your messages at home or abroad on your mobile phone, desk phone...
That's why Apple says, "it may take up to 24 hours to activate...", that means "we blocked your sorry ass", because otherwise Apple is replying immedately (so activation takes like 20 seconds). So don't annoy them by hitting the Activation button On/Off continuously like a moron,...
That's why Apple says, "it may take up to 24 hours to activate...", that means "we blocked your sorry ass", because otherwise Apple is replying immedately (so activation takes like 20 seconds). So don't annoy them by hitting the Activation button On/Off continuously like a moron,...
That's why Apple says, "it may take up to 24 hours to activate...", that means "we blocked your sorry ass", because otherwise Apple is replying immedately (so activation takes like 20 seconds). So don't annoy them by hitting the Activation button On/Off continuously like a moron,...