為了響應環保無紙化運動,Maxis 決定在 10 月21日開始向 Postpaid 用戶徵收紙質賬單收費,總結賬單需每月繳付 RM5;而明細賬單則每月徵收 RM10。需聲明 Maxis 此舉動其實不在於賺取盈利,而是鼓勵大家轉而使用更簡單方便的「ebill /電子賬單」,而 Maxis 將會為每個 ebill 申請向馬來西亞世界自然基金會 (WWF)...
How to Check Data Usage in U Mobile To check your current data allowance usage, remove the SIM card from your modem then insert the SIM card to your mobile phone. Dial *118# and select U Broadband, then select “Check Usage”. Alternatively, you may also send a SMS by typing in “...