His 10-year study of students on campus published in the book 'Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds'; Finding that students want advice; How students should find a faculty mentor; Importance of time management and extracurricular activities....
College is a BIG commitment of money and time. It’s okay for you to be just as selective with your potential colleges as they are with you!
How to Ace College: In a New Book, a Harvard Professor Reveals Secrets from His 10-Year Study of Successful StudentsThere's so much focus on how to get into college these days, and not much advice about what to do once you get there. Back in the 1980s, the then Harvard president ...
How to Ace College. 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 747 摘要: Interviews Richard J. Light, professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His 10-year study of students on campus published in the book 'Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds'; Finding that students want...
It’s undoubtedly a life step that will require some legwork on your part, too. There are applications to complete, potentially standardized tests to ace, and even steps to take once you’ve decided on a college and have accepted admission. ...
Find College Scholarships If a school asks you why you want to go there, do your research. “The programs and opportunities offered at X school are so intriguing to me!” is far too vague—be specific. Admissions officers are seeking students who are passionate about the school. They want ...
Make sure you have agood study space,because if you enjoy being in the soace,you can motivated yourself more easilyto go and work in thar space.例如:点上香薰,面朝窗户,放些鲜花,放些照片For example:You can light some candles,...
» MORE:How to ace your transfer to a four-year college Make sure that you can take courses that will apply toward the degree you hope to eventually earn, Durosko says. Do this by meeting with your current school's transfer advisor to determi...
Yet despite that,recent college gradsmight still miss out on landing that perfect job, because they haven’t yet mastered one critical skill: simple business etiquette. It might seem old school, but no matter how competitive a candidate you are, if you don’t know how to shake hands, ...
Practical Tips To Ace Online College Read More Online College Study Tips Five Essential Things An Online College Freshman Should Know Five Essential Things An Online College Freshman Should Know As more colleges and universities are postponing in-person classes, online colleges have been picking up ...