I can access my backend from the browser on localhost:8080, but when I try accessing from the android emualtor, it just keeps failing, i was able to fix this by running the backend outside of wsl2, but i really do want the backend inside wsl2 since it has a better...
I don't want access to the WSL1/2 distribution other than deleting it from Windows 10/11. (For example, changing the root account password of the distribution, accessing the distribution directory, etc.) For these, are the 3 methods below possible? Always request login when accessing ...
I modified /etc/wsl.conf and lost access to my containers. How can I restore access to docker-desktop-data to regain acces to my containers? Thanks! Related topics TopicRepliesViewsActivity Upgrade docker desktop created new docker-desktop-data container and I cannot use the old one!
For developers, WSL means seamless access to both Windows and Linux without the need to use traditional virtual machines. You don't have to be a developer, though, it's a solid tool for anyone to use whether they're an old hand or just starting out with Linux. Microsoft has done a lo...
The WSL2 is the new version of Windows Subsystem for Linux and it allows developers to run a GNU/Linux environment, such as command-line tools, apps and utilities on Windows. With WSL2 distro, you can access file systems that are not natively supported by Windows, for example, EXT4. ...
Learn how to check the amount of disk space available, expand the size of the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), repair a VHD mounting or read-only error, and locate the .vhdx file and disk path for Linux distributions installed with WSL 2.
How to enable wsl 2 on windows server 2022 ver 20329? I installed wsl and enabled hyper-v features on my 20329 server, but I could not tansfer my wsl to wsl 2 Is it supported yet? Windows Server 2022 wsl 2 Like 3 Reply View Full Discussion (6 Replies) matsmcp...
There is no such thing as a docker: it is a container. If you install Docker Desktop, you can access it from a WSL2 distribution by enabling the integration feature in the Docker Desktop settings. There is no need to additionally install docker-ce. Please checkdocker...
wsl --set-default-version 2 wsl --install -d Ubuntu Install Ubuntu from the Microsoft store and launch Ubunto from start WSL will install automatically. Please wait till the username prompt. Enter your username. We prefer to use our firstname in lowercase format: i.e. John Doe -> username...
Learn how to check the amount of disk space available, expand the size of the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), repair a VHD mounting or read-only error, and locate the .vhdx file and disk path for Linux distributions installed with WSL 2.